the (digital) hardcore continuum - no, seriously


Well-known member
I’ve just boarded an American Airlines plane looks a little shoddy so I just want third to know if the above links were my final posts on dissensus I’d be happy. And I hope when Alec Empire dies I can kiss my boyfriend in heaven


pass the sick bucket
No he hates everything I like, and hates that I like things

I'm sorry you don't possess the discipline and constitutional fortitude to realise that Alec Empire is really rather lame. Dam is a proper geeza though. He actually got the rave/jungle aesthetic without descending into bludgeoning rnr inanity.


Well-known member
I don’t care where he ended up or his ideological bent, nearly every artist starts making mediocre to shit tunes, does some abysmal project or promotes bad politics eventually. I never liked ATR its clearly garbage but he made some tunes early on that are great and which I like. Probably Biochip bobbed his head to them



pass the sick bucket
yeah, like I said, I really like his bass terror ep on force inc.

But it's senius right. for the DHR fanboys he's a genius, whereas I don't give a fuck about that. he's just one in many weird obscurities from 92-94.


pass the sick bucket
I think hardcore-jungle can't really be analysed using the gradiants of auteur theory but in terms of actual auteurs I'd have to say Hyper On Experience and A Guy Called Gerald.

Particularly with AGCG the dialectical tension between ramshackle disintegration and absolutely tight discipline on that other foot is so consummate. People like Alec could never get that.

Ironically in Germany it was people like Wolfgang Voigt who explored a similar aesthetic, but not jungle.
