sign you are watching a good movie


"nope, i'll add it to my lovefilm list... my girlfriend is sick of me renting out exploitation films and what she calls "woodland rape films" (eg i spit on your grave) so this should cheer her up"
Yep, sounds as though it should be right up her street
"A woman and her daughter are raped and murdered in some woodland by soldiers during a time of civil war. Afterwards, a series of samurai returning from the war through that area are found mysteriously dead with their throats torn out. The governor calls in a wild and fierce young hero to quell what is evidently a ghost. He encounters the two beautiful women in an eerie, beautiful scene. After spiritual purification, he meets the demon in a thrilling fight."


plywood violin
That's the one with all that "Be black" business isn't it? Strange film with some good moments.

yeah... the song is Be Black by session drummer Grady Tate... nice tune... and yeah "strange film with some good moments" sums it up pretty well... saw it on cable at my uncle's house at 2am like 7 years ago... it was a pleasant suprise...


more issues than Time mag
Swears, is that like a clip from Mystery Science Theatre 3000 films or something?

Speaking of which I used to love that show. The Teenage Strangler episode is pretty great, I saw that again recently.


there are no accidents
I love films where apparently important instants and significantly lingering camera shots go nowhere and are merely red herrings or possibly not even that.

yes yes yes. anything the opposite of spoon feeding is good i think. films that demands some "imaginative participation", or just has space for the mind to roam.

reminds me of my favorite quote about films spoken by Abbas Kurostami about the 2 kinds of films...

TWBB has a pretty advanced score for hollywood... i remember being impressed while watching.

just saw dogville for the first time for some reason or other. its ok i guess... i do like the "evils of good, normal, god fearing citizens" theme... but honestly almost any Sartre short story or play has much more interesting moral dilemmas, dynamic existential crisis, and more resonant anti-consensus reality message in it.

thanks for recommendation of those stripper movies and heathers i never saw any of them


more issues than Time mag
thanks for recommendation of those stripper movies and heathers i never saw any of them

Remember the moral panic about teenagers in the late 80s early 90s? Heathers is about that. It's so good! I can't believe you haven't seen it!


there are no accidents
What about Welcome to the Dollhouse?

i think i did see that... not really into 80s teen movis TBH. i think because my own experience of it was so terrible...

here's a dependable sign: when all the trendsters are all over a film, its usually going to be total kaka. (science of sleep, etc.)


"yes yes yes. anything the opposite of spoon feeding is good i think. films that demands some "imaginative participation", or just has space for the mind to roam."
Of course on the other hand I don't want to be too prescriptive or militant as then you would just end up replacing old cliches with new ones. It's a minefield.


rip this joint please
one of the characters, whilst in a sewer/subway system - perhaps fleeing danger (be it men with guns, something unspeakable twitching beneath Guadalajara International Airport, a giant radio active alligator under the streets of Trieste, whatever) - finds a ladder/shin up, to a manhole opening, which they get open (if being actively pursued then insert a few hairy moments when it appears shut tight), only to realise as they pop their head out topside that the road above is slick with fast-moving vehicular traffic.

facial expressions can be key here.


there are no accidents
when the interface of some high tech gadget or missile defence system on mars looks like a website from 1996, uses the font Eurostile Bold Extended, with a lot of 45 degree angles, made by some dork from the Attik who listens to way too much d'n'b.

also, witty banter / light hearted argument between 2 expert protagonists, who may be good friends or ex/potential lovers, while engaged in a highly dangerous task such as breaking into above mentioned defence system, the discovery of which would be lethal for both.
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the name of the main character is part of the movie title.

Or IS the movie title:



josef k.

Dangerous Mystagogue
Its title takes the form:

"...... in Space"

When it is not at all obvious why .... should be in space.


Was thinking about starting a thread about that actually - 'New wave of ironic films where actors play themselves'...

Its quite good btw.


harco pronting
Was thinking about starting a thread about that actually - 'New wave of ironic films where actors play themselves'...

Its quite good btw.

after having watched the wrestler my expectations are fairly low. hope to be proved wrong though.

am i right in thinking a lot of the dialogue is in french? i may need to dl a subtitle codec.


Yeah. Version I have is French with English subtitles.

Also see: "my name is bruce'.

Quite liked the wrestler myself. Not mindblowing, but OK.