Judith Butler and the new identity politics?


Well-known member
Haha I remember Zizek talking about this, saying how the student was emotionally manipulative and was really the one to blame.

Yeah, he claimed he knew the allegations were false but he couldn't say anything about them and that anything she may or may not have done was just her "eccentricities,".


Well-known member
although when I see a snippet of an Andrew Tate video I truly understand that gender is performative, he is totally acting out his idea of what a "male" is, and Judith is 100% correct ( admittedly this is probably not the example she intended to provide proof of her correctness )

You read that recent article on him and the effect he was having on teenage boys and their parents?

I can believe it, but it also reads like the author may have made some of it up and attributed it to fictional people. This feels like someone taking the piss,

As Tate was blowing up, Ruby made the connection and grew concerned — even more so when Charlie told her that Tate was being interviewed on Tucker Carlson and suggested they watch together. She and her husband said “no.” “I’m like a Brooklyn, far-left person. If Tucker Carlson interviewed Barack Obama, who’s probably my favorite person on earth, I wouldn’t watch that,” she says.


Well-known member
You read that recent article on him and the effect he was having on teenage boys and their parents?

I can bellieve it, but the article also read like the author had made a lot of it up and attributed it to fictional people they'd "interviewed". This reads like someone taking the piss,

As Tate was blowing up, Ruby made the connection and grew concerned — even more so when Charlie told her that Tate was being interviewed on Tucker Carlson and suggested they watch together. She and her husband said “no.” “I’m like a Brooklyn, far-left person. If Tucker Carlson interviewed Barack Obama, who’s probably my favorite person on earth, I wouldn’t watch that,” she says.

not read that, but will probably click on the link once I've clicked on "post reply"

edit; I've seen a few youtube videos recently about youtube "influencers" who have been "red pilled" and fallen under the spell of the rapist* Tate ( i.e, Aiden Ross, Sneako ) and that Tate gimp is POISON, I hope he rots in jail

* normally I would prefix "allegedly" to avoid legal difficulties, but here I'm prepared to just say that the guy is an out and out rapist, makes me ashamed to have been AMAB


Well-known member
edit; I've seen a few youtube videos recently about youtube "influencers" who have been "red pilled" and fallen under the spell of the rapist* Tate ( i.e, Aiden Ross, Sneako )

Yeah, they're mentioned in the article. Apparently he'd use them as gateways to draw in more boys and ended up with loads of them all marketing his weird businesses for him.


Well-known member
She won the the world's worst writing award once for this sentence:

First prize
"The move from a structuralist account in which capital is understood to structure social relations in relatively homologous ways to a view of hegemony in which power relations are subject to repetition, convergence, and rearticulation brought the question of temporality into the thinking of structure, and marked a shift from a form of Althusserian theory that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects to one in which the insights into the contingent possibility of structure inaugurate a renewed conception of hegemony as bound up with the contingent sites and strategies of the rearticulation of power."

I think they're essentially saying things are more fluid than previously thought and change over time.
  • Haha
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Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
You read that recent article on him and the effect he was having on teenage boys and their parents?

I can believe it, but it also reads like the author may have made some of it up and attributed it to fictional people. This feels like someone taking the piss,

As Tate was blowing up, Ruby made the connection and grew concerned — even more so when Charlie told her that Tate was being interviewed on Tucker Carlson and suggested they watch together. She and her husband said “no.” “I’m like a Brooklyn, far-left person. If Tucker Carlson interviewed Barack Obama, who’s probably my favorite person on earth, I wouldn’t watch that,” she says.
Ah yes, the noted socialist firebrand Barack Obama, beloved of 'far-left people' everywhere.


Well-known member
I can't take credit for this, someone else on this forum must have mentioned the irony of some idiot like Tate pontificating on "Red pill" ideology and "The Matrix" which was actually the creation of the Wachowskis ( gender trouble in full effect? )



Well-known member
I can't take credit for this, someone else on this forum must have mentioned the irony of some idiot like Tate pontificating on "Red pill" ideology and "The Matrix" which was actually the creation of the Wachowskis ( gender trouble in full effect? )

It's a common talking point. I'm sure it's incredibly frustrating for the Wachowskis to have had their work co opted like it has been too.


Well-known member
anyway, what I'm trying to say is that Andrew Tate is "performative", an insecure "male" who is acting out his conception of "masculinity" and inadvertently proving Judith's theorem


Well-known member
The bit at the end of that article with the mum saying it really upsets her that her son doesn't think much of Greta Thunberg struck me as an odd and immature response for an adult to have.


pass the sick bucket
They are wrong, anyway. But if you can suppress your ghoulish anti-intellectual tendancies, one day you may be able to ascertain why.


Well-known member
I concede that much of what Butler wrote in the early 90s seems like common sense now. But that shows her works lasting relevance and value. We live in a world where identity has splintered into different populations, each seemingly autonomous and self-defined. I do want to adapt Butler's work to a more radical Marxist politics, but that's another project.
Right now, my project consists in my opposition to guys like Andrew Tate! I want to promote femininity while remaining in the context of male heterosexuality. Hypermasculine movements scare me. It would be cool if some community existed where men promote defiance to gender norms, but alas, no such den of gender trouble exists. Hence I'm stuck wandering the internet looking for people to listen to me talk about Judith Butler. Because in Butler lurks the true antidote to Andrew Tate: a movement as far in the opposite direction as possible, men embracing femininity. I believe Butler says in an interview that heterosexual men can use androgyny to mitigate their own toxic masculinity, but I can't find the source.
And for people who find Butler too difficult or downright bad at writing, I've always enjoyed her writing, dense and tough to parse as it can be. It has an unusual, somewhat awkward poetry to it.If she is a bad writer and analytic philosophers are good writers, then I would rather be a bad writer.


Binary & Tweed
Yeah I personally wouldn't say she's a bad writer, but this discourse (I've come to believe) is only intelligible to a small subset of humans who dedicate enough time to learning the theoretical language necessary to understand it. I also think its easy to let oneself get carried away in building upon one's own (already esoteric) personal language, and to forget the importance of being able to communicate to as many people as possible.


Well-known member
... in Butler lurks the true antidote to Andrew Tate: a movement as far in the opposite direction as possible, men embracing femininity. I believe Butler says in an interview that heterosexual men can use androgyny to mitigate their own toxic masculinity, but I can't find the source.

Does it have to be one or the other? I'm a man and I don't want to be like Andrew Tate or androgynous/feminine.