
Well-known member
You have many talents rich but photography is not one of them

I would go as far as to say you are the worst photographer I've ever come across in my whole life. You've got an anti talent.

It's fucking amazing how bad you are at pointing the camera and pressing the button. If I may be so bold. It's extraordinary, it's like a mental illness.

Every picture you take is blurred. Extraordinary. In a world where any half wit can take a half decent picture you really stand out

With the greatest respect you have a Problem


The blur was not my fault on this occasion, that's just what you get if you try to take a picture while driving dangerously fast round a roundabout with only your weaker hand on the wheel.


Well-known member


Well-known member
Has anyone noticed this trend in North yorkshire/mercia areas. Posh-ish country pubs that have had a refit do the gents toilets in this weird decor, 50s pinups and sometimes even lacy women's underwear on the walls



Pleased to see the two new flagships of the British navy - HMS Brexit and HMS Mark Francois - moored in Lisbon today. Two huge behemoths of military might which can deploy a strike force of more than 50,000 gammon anywhere in the world. Here they serve to remind that Britain still rules the waves and subtly suggest that if the sneaky European tries to hardball at the negotiating table we can simply flatten one of his cities.
Gunboat diplomacy at it's finest - God save the Queen!IMG_20211208_152541.jpg