Rinse FM Going Legit


Reprezenting the Latinos
what's the point in going legit? who needs the pat on the back by saying LOOK AT US WE'RE SO BIG AND WE'RE GONNNNA GET MORE THAN 30 LISTENERS

sad. i love the stuff but you lot gotta accept that outside of this mesaage board nobody cares. it's like fabirc fucking up because of matter. you gotta realise that not many people care about our little world where we cum in our pants cos we saw kode9's cock in the urinals of plastic people

the extra costs will ruin rinse



Well-known member
from dsf:

plastician wrote:
The station is going to be exactly the same sound wise. That was part of the deal


Do not read this.
@Benjy I know at one point Rinse were cutting deals with Trident and running Gun/Knife crime ad’s, whether this is still the case I don’t know, I believe this would have cut them a bit of slack from DTI anycase.


Well-known member
In the Pirate world there are 2 Pirates

your dance music pirates and your 'raggas' as we called them. They are more 'community' stations. They play all the trident adverts and have a good rapport with the DTI

Dance pirates, in the eyes of the DTI are big time drug and gun runners trying to stop ambulances and bring down planes.

Its always best to be seen in the best light by the DTI or they will seriously mess with your life.

If anyone would like to chat 'bout pirate over a beer I can introduce you to my mate who LOVES pirate radio


Well-known member
Big up Rinse for this, they've been working so hard for so long they deserve it.

It's got to be a mission running I pirate station for 16 years.

Here's to the future, keep doing your thing Rinse!


Well-known member
SLimzee has an ASBO? what for ?

it was for going on rinse/other london pirates - he wasnt allowed on a rooftop of a building above three storeys in east london or something similiar, idea being if he couldnt get on the roof of a tower block he couldnt broadcast on pirate radio.


true stories


(via lower end spasm iirc)


Well-known member
i cant get rinse any more lol. hopefully this will change in time, when they get their transmitters or whatever sorted, but gonna be gutted if now that theyre legal i can no longer tune in!
They haven't got 100.4 anymore because it's too close to Classic FM. Not sure where it's being moved to, or if it has been already.