
i want it to be a neat cycle of a week on the omer to read these. Tiferes stands in for Apollo and i think the essays are a somewhat Apollonian undertaking, its an Apollonian model for listening and criticism
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The presentation really adds to the effect. That fantastical blue city looming out of the mist; the images dotted throughout each entry; the pixelated header. Really emphasises the old histories line in Palimpsestscapes. Xanadu rubs up against the digital; Borges discovers Nintendo.

Idea of the "unvoice" jumped out at me, although I also read it as "univoice" at first and thought you were getting at some sort of master voice, containing all other voices and running beneath music like a rock layer. The voice heard across the portal. A combination of Xenakis' treasure room and Ahab sensing the features of a face behind the world. Certain configurations of sound drilling through and making contact.



Whether something's accessed or generated is a thought I find fascinating. Are these worlds there to be stepped into or do they unfold in real-time? Are we opening a door or projecting a world? Where's the line between discovery and invention?
This for all conscious experience maybe. Introspective theories of self as discovering vs organizing oneself.


Void Dweller
The presentation really adds to the effect. That fantastical blue city looming out of the mist; the images dotted throughout each entry; the pixelated header. Really emphasises the old histories line in Palimpsestscapes. Xanadu rubs up against the digital; Borges discovers Nintendo.

Idea of the "unvoice" jumped out at me, although I also read it as "univoice" at first and thought you were getting at some sort of master voice, containing all other voices and running beneath music like a rock layer. The voice heard across the portal. A combination of Xenakis' treasure room and Ahab sensing the features of a face behind the world. Certain configurations of sound drilling through and making contact.

important stuff here. last image is very similar to the image i associate with the unvoice. a face emerging out of the depths.


Void Dweller
a question that’s sometimes worth asking is, what would’ve happened if the preliminary “notes” (hypothetical or not) for this were assigned to someone else? how would the results be different? in a poem this might be a few lines, a flash of images with no slowing down. whereas an academic might pick one image and study it extensively. but there’s something satisfying about the approach here, where focus keeps shifting to new expansions/extensions of the initial landscape, so you get a series of explicated images. an essay but one that unfolds artistically. imo an elegant distillation of current era sus themes. want to reread this now: https://www.clereviewofbooks.com/writing/a-gulf-polyphony


Well-known member
i got a new yorker magazine to read on a train journey the other day. quite interesting. you immediately notice how the american elites have a familiarity with tech and tech tech discourse that is totally absent in europe. its intergrated into their discourse whereas its still completely alien here, and scorned too. you notice that on dissensus as well. not that its relevant to your essay, or mvuents, but theres a real sense of a gulf having opened up between europe and america, and a sense of europe being left behind, in the past, a a result.


Well-known member
there was an article i enjoyed about game engines and scanning the world to put it onto computer games which reminded me of a thread we had where i was talking about how games had taken up a challenge the other arts abandoned long ago, which is a kind of naive or unquestioning, unreflexive representationalism, of versimilitude to the visible.


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Well-known member
there was an article i enjoyed about game engines and scanning the world to put it onto computer games which reminded me of a thread we had where i was talking about how games had taken up a challenge the other arts abandoned long ago, which is a kind of naive or unquestioning, unreflexive representationalism, of versimilitude to the visible.