
Well-known member
Sure yeah it is an American thing, but even so it doesn't make sense. In some of those pictures of Tomorrow Land festival there are more than a billion people and yet noone knows anyone who has ever been. Noone has an uncle in the US whose friend went... there is nothing like that going on.

There is only one possible conclusion. This conclusion is obvious but at the same time counter-intuitive, it will seem hard to swallow and on first hearing it I expect people to push back, but after a moment's thought they will agree that EDM doesn't exist. The parties are all CGId, that's why no-one has ever met or even heard of an attendee. That was part of what raised my suspicions, but, I mean look at this, it's obviously not real

View attachment 14347

There are 100,000 people that really like David Guetta... yeah right, as if. Like they say though, if you gonna tell a lie make it a fucking huge one. So, why not say that there are loads of people who love David Guetta, and they all meet up in a humongous day-glo purple fairytale castle twice the size of Belgium that noone has ever actually seen to have cake thrown in their faces and dance to a giant mouse - it's completely ludicrous.
that looks sick but probably really boring if youre actually there


Beast of Burden
I'm referencing you kicking muggsy off the forum circa 2010 by comparing post-dubstep to UK funky. That was a very tottenham move. Post-dubstep and UK funky are a culture war in the same value set. You should have gone all out, told Muggsy that he wasn't poptimist enough. But you wouldn't, because Freudian anal fixation etc.




Benny Bunter

Well-known member
Just out of interest, what does thirdform mean when he refers to Tottenham so much in his posts? I'm from Cumbria, it means nothing to me apart from I know there's a football team from there.


that looks sick but probably really boring if youre actually there
I imagine being wedged in on all sides by ten thousand bros, unable to move, a plastic cup of Carling that cost a tenner clutched in both hands to protect it from the pumping day-glo fists and bikini clad honeys trying not to vomit again, about three miles away you can just about make out a tiny figure that might be Armin Van Buren - he raises his arms like Jesus as beams from a billion dollar epilepsy inducing lighting rig play over him. Just behind him screens the height of the Twin Towers bludgeon the crowd with insane futuristic images. All buried under Darude's Sandstorm at a brain squashing volume. Not really for me but...

Is there a second stage or a third? How long does it last.


pass the sick bucket

there are more Jewish Arsenal fans than Tottenham fans you soggy dopey nazi cunt. Stop beating your member into a near pulp over wyndham lewis painting.

So many Spurs fans will call themselves 'yids' despite not actually being Jewish, because they've got an inferiority complex. It comes with supporting those comedians. Also you idiots in Stratford were going to humiliate prince andrew nonce fc but couldn't even manage that. A bit like goodz calling out Wiley in 2009, if you get my drift, he was right to do so as you hammers always suck up to those irritating mancs.

@Benny B consult this. and this


pass the sick bucket
i used to think that people who quit smoking skunk after the age of 30 were righteous and sorting themselves out. Now I don't agree, clearly after age of 25 they're all too far gone and no amount of abstinence will get you back onto the islamic intellectual path. I give you permission to smoke yourself catatonic, it won't make a bloody difference anyway.


Well-known member
third doesn't trust the Jews. that's what "Tottenham' denotes in his personal symbology.


pass the sick bucket
third doesn't trust the Jews. that's what "Tottenham' denotes in his personal symbology.

Luke's famous distrust of the Jews with the 'reptilian' code words.

1. BEST GUESS Hillary has support that has nuclear weapons planted in New York, LA, DC and other major American cities, and if she really does go to jail, they will be set off. Now that it is being revealed that the Clinton foundation is in fact a 100 billion dollar scam, that witch could pay for anything, and to be frank, with Israel around I don't think she needs to pay anyone. See the report Nuclear Blackmail, YES, I believe Hillary is part of that power structure and that is most likely the reason why no one will touch her. There simply cannot be any other type of reason why America's intelligence agencies, which still have a few patriots, won't touch her.

2. Less probable guess, but it is, from how things are going, somewhat plausible: - If David Icke is correct about the reptilians, and they have decided mankind is going nowhere. They don't want us in space, they are afraid of us, which is why ever since nukes were set off, everything possible has been done to destroy science and education. The movie 2001, a space odyssey, was actually realistic and well calculated. We should have made it to Mars 15 years ago, and I doubt anyone ever will unless that achievement can be rendered irrelevant by programs of destruction that are already in place.

What would those programs to destroy us be?

1. First and foremost, the vaccination programs, which are clearly and obviously being used to destroy our children and future. Interesting it is that the trolls first response to someone against vaccines is to call them scientific illiterates, when in reality, those who are awake and understand science well are those who understand best exactly how the newly formulated vaccines destroy the children. The fact destruction via "vaccination" goes unabated with so many aware people out there to stop it is cold hard proof an enemy that seeks our total annihilation is running the power structure, and David Icke's lizard people are a pretty fine candidate. Only that type of race and society would want to see ours so firmly and completely annihilated. Why on earth would even the most pathetic low life among us seek that?

2. The continued destruction of our educational system, via evermore degraded teaching programs, with the latest being common core. Why on earth would even the most pathetic low life among us seek that? It makes more sense that something off planet is afraid of us having technology, and wants it obliterated.

3. The now near total destruction of our once fantastic printed libraries. We can't get them back and there is positively nothing on the web now that could match what was in a small town 1980's library, and I mean SMALL town, population 1,000. Forget the big city libraries, even the small town stuff is now dead. Why on earth would the most pathetic low life among us seek that? YOU GUESS YOUR OWN CONCLUSION, but it makes perfect sense to me that something off planet wants us wiped out.

And you could also go into GMO's, the climate change hoax, the moral depracation, and so many other things only an alien would want to smash us into oblivion, and I am not going to line item everything. The first three big ones paint a picture clearly enough.

SO THERE YOU HAVE IT. Either Hillary is backed by earth based forces that will nuke it all if any one of them is held to account, or Hillary is backed by "Reptilians" who seek our destruction. Could anyone possibly explain to me how such a piece of abhorrent malfunctioning trash that continually floats a raft of lies on an ocean of bullshit while murdering and robbing and selling out America could possibly still be in a high position in this nation? I'd like an explanation for that, - WHAT, you mean to tell me that absolutely everyone in the power structure, including those in the military want her to still be around enough to not bust her right this minute? I don't believe it, she is living free by riding on top of some sort of nuclear level threat against the nation, NO IFS OR BUTS.


pass the sick bucket
that joke was old in 1966, let alone 2023. just cos you broke Wiley to the Goldsmiths commentariat doesn't mean you keep up with the times. Quite the contrary in fact. You invented post-dubstep and instrumental grime revival! I can hand on heart say my conscience is clear.

In fact, you want the chattering literati to appreciate Oasis. Which is why you dislike Kulkarni. When in reality Noel and Liam Gallagher are just Morressey mk2. Bengali in Platforms, whatever. same aesthetic impulses, 60s nostalgia.


pass the sick bucket
Sorry, I should ask him directly but I get the impression I'd only end up more confused

Also Luke invented Joe Muggs. That is to say there was a journalist called Joseph Muggfords, but he would not have gained such notoriety if heronbone did not introduce his hipster circle to grime. So now we have a situation where Joe Muggs and Joseph Muggfords are two distinct entities. Luka must stand accused for this.


there are more Jewish Arsenal fans than Tottenham fans you soggy dopey nazi cunt. Stop beating your member into a near pulp over wyndham lewis painting.
Does that member really get beaten though? Luka is by far the most sexless - by which I mean uninterested in sex - mem... er person on the board. Far more so than presumed robots such as Stan or even jaded oldies like er me.


pass the sick bucket
Does that member really get beaten though? Luka is by far the most sexless - by which I mean uninterested in sex - mem... er person on the board. Far more so than presumed robots such as Stan or even jaded oldies like er me.

he channels his sexual urges into magical kitsch. So yeah probably sexless, but you know he should watch some more porn.


pass the sick bucket
magic is a debased form of alchemy, and modern chemistry is the evolved form of alchemy. Control the mind, don't regress!