MAGA Christianity schism, the Leviticus on Crack Heresy


I'm talking about policy rather than guilt offerings. And I'm not really talking about left Vs right in that bit. Everyone makes excuses not to do what they know is the right thing.
Guilt offerings?!

Yes, lefties are far more likely to give to charity when it's not their money - that's well known


You're hilarious. There is a clear preference for Biden in those earning under $100k, and a clear preference for Trump in those earning more than that, which has just destroyed what you said about Trump being more popular among poor voters.
There's not much difference, you innumerate baboon.


Cat Malogen
Let’s see some Christ memes from Gab


aka whiskey?

for whiskey?

jesus/god/Holy Ghost Wi-Fi? sorted!


Trump’s found god? sorted!

There are some incredible ones of a soiled dirty Jesus chasing lone lambs through dark foreboding woods, what a legend and now to a book which might just change the world


Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
"The statistical correlation I claimed goes in one direction only goes in the other direction by a margin of 15 points, so I was practically right."


Enough to have proved you wrong.
You get really stuck on the difference between statistical significance and (the equivalent of) effect size. It's not the first time.

The two groups in question have far more in common than the opposite - you're doing the 'narcisissm of small differences' thing


Inspired by articles like this

Okay, but this seems to be partly based on a misconception that liberals are turn-the-other-cheek kind of people when in fact their approach to moral failings in other people is like the Princess and the Pea crossed with Predator. By moral failings I mean things they think are actually morally wrong rather than things other people think are morally wrong but which they think are morally ok e.g. abortion. By their own standards liberals are the antithesis of Christian in being completely uncharitable to those who flout those standards.


Forget about left-right for the moment if you can. What I'm saying is it's always been the case that people use religion for their own aims, often claiming Christ's support for clearly unchristian actions (and I use Christianity just cos I'm most familiar). But for the first time I'm seeing Christians actually - instead of brushing past it - challenging Christ's words and saying that they are not Christian (ie MAGA) enough. And it feels that this is not sustainable and there ought to be a break.


Okay, but this seems to be partly based on a misconception that liberals are turn-the-other-cheek kind of people when in fact their approach to moral failings in other people is like the Princess and the Pea crossed with Predator. By moral failings I mean things they think are actually morally wrong rather than things other people think are morally wrong but which they think are morally ok e.g. abortion. By their own standards liberals are the antithesis of Christian in being completely uncharitable to those who flout those standards.

The issue here is you got all kinds of different things going on which relate to what you're supposed to be doing in different ways...

Just off the top of my head; you've got what the Bible says to do, you've got what you actually do and what you claim to do. And also you've got what people think others do.

That's why you're missing the point saying Libs don't turn the other cheek - the point here is that a certain brand of macho MAGAs think that wimpy simpy cucked Libs do turn the other cheek and so they wanna dissociate themselves from it as far as possible, and if Jesus does it as well, then fuck that bender too!


The issue here is you got all kinds of different things going on which relate to what you're supposed to be doing in different ways...

Just off the top of my head; you've got what the Bible says to do, you've got what you actually do and what you claim to do. And also you've got what people think others do.

That's why you're missing the point saying Libs don't turn the other cheek - the point here is that a certain brand of macho MAGAs think that wimpy simpy cucked Libs do turn the other cheek and so they wanna dissociate themselves from it as far as possible, and if Jesus does it as well, then fuck that bender too!
Yes, if the MAGAs realised what hardasses Libs actually are, they would join the other side before you could say Kamala Harris


You're struggling to contribute properly here Biscuits cos you seem unable to grasp the concept that I'm genuinely trying to figure out what is happening. You keep wanting me to pick a side and argue for them, lying where necessary but you're totally missing the point.


You're struggling to contribute properly here Biscuits cos you seem unable to grasp the concept that I'm genuinely trying to figure out what is happening. You keep wanting me to pick a side and argue for them, lying where necessary but you're totally missing the point.
I did get that article out of you tho


It was that that inspired the thread. Or some version of it. It's been everywhere lately, I kinda thought I saw it on dissensus hence no link at the start... but maybe not.


And maybe I can summarize better what I'm getting at after a few points have been exchanged. Something like the following...

Many political parties over the years have co-opted religion so as to claim to be god's chosen party. A notable exception might be Communism in Russia, a mistake that Putin wasn't gonna make again.

Thinking about the US, both main parties claim to be morally right, and in a religious country (which the US apparently isn't) that's the same as being chosen by God. Both GOP and Dems have often claimed to be the more holy, and it's not uncommon for them to claim the original G's support when acting completely contrary to the rules in his silly little book.

As MB pointed out in a kinda "even a stopped clock etc" type way*, the RS and Ds tend to be assumed to behave in certain ways, and so they tend to fail to live up to certain things and thus be known for certain types of hypocrisy. Thing is though, I'm more interested in when they loudly claim God for actions which are the opposite of those he is supposed to support.

In short both (in fact any I'm sure) sides have traditionally had no issues with

a) Doing something completely against God in God's name
b) Completely ignoring stuff that God tells them to do

However it seems that recently a couple of MAGA types have actually read the Bible all the way to the end, or at least stayed awake long enough during a sermon to hear some stuff they didn't like - basically some wimp called Jesus telling them to be nice to people they don't know! And that was a step too far, instead of the normal procedure of just nodding along and doing the opposite they decided that a line had to be drawn and Jesus needed to be corrected.

So I'm wondering if now someone has actually spoken out and said it, can it be unsaid. Maybe it would be a refreshing change if there could be a move away from this constant pointless lying that everyone knows is a lie. But can it be done in such a way as to bring along everyone who finds it comforting to know that God is on their side, even if he's nothing like the actual made up God they're supposed to believe in. If you see what I mean.

*A positive step from his normal stance of starting in the wrong place and then keeping on moving so as to never be right**

**I almost didn't bother making that pointless and petty insults, but then I remembered I was on dissensus