Mesoamerican Art: Mayan, Aztec, Olmec, Toltec etc


Cat Malogen
Shows how long I’ve been out of any actual digging

1200AD is the supposed date of approx contact between Polynesians and South Americans, so we could go further and pick apart



Cat Malogen
A plurality of civilisations and worldviews creating Mesoamerican art is stating the obvious. Even Egyptian dynasties moved their focus to the Aten from a polytheistic pantheon relocating their entire capital, changed their minds, got subsumed into later Greco/eastern Mediterranean dynastic polities etc. Even had a pre-dynastic pharaoh named Wash ;)

Just because a long term overview might suggest stasis, the reality isn’t necessarily static eg Roman or christian art

Myths are too reductive in and of themselves to filter such a broad realm of artistic expressions too. Think of a vast dating chronology of timeframes needed, geographical scope/spread of cultures in the o.p. . Social organisation and social structures necessitate craft guilds, master craft workers, all the way to ’sweeping up‘, add the influence of religions, power brokers, feudalist competition, failed harvests

We think primarily about temple architecture, of big sites, yet the bulk of this material culture is tied to personal adornments. Grave goods can inform you about shifting designs and the geographical distribution of art styles as much as a civic or religious hub can

Isn’t there a thread on ‘geotrauma’ or a close approximation @version ? Can’t find the correct word search, as people’s first thought re anything Mesoamerican is mass blood letting


Well-known member
Isn’t there a thread on ‘geotrauma’ or a close approximation @version ? Can’t find the correct word search, as people’s first thought re anything Mesoamerican is mass blood letting

It's come up a few times, but there's no thread on it.



Cat Malogen
You could compare to rock art in the US southwest and even Utah

As northern neighbours some degree of porous co-relationship is present but tbh just googling the images and moving your screen focus in is probably much more fun than going down overtly narrow journal pieces


Cat Malogen
equally for a ‘good read’ with a few remarkable chapters comparing Olmec works local libraries might have
