

Binary & Tweed
Its like unlocking new lenses through which you can appreciate more and more aspects of our staggering complex world.


Binary & Tweed
For calculus in particular here is an example. Took me a while to understand the fundamental theorem of calculus, that the derivative of the indefinite integral of a function, is the function.

The derivative is pretty much the rate of change, as I understand it. If you plot x^2 you get concave exponential line, if you take the derivative of that, 2x, and plot that, you get a straight steep line. If you take the derivative of that, you get 2, which is a straight flat line if you plot it. If you take the derivative of that, you get 0, another flat line.


Binary & Tweed
I may have missed a couple constants that come from taking derivatives, but I'm not sure. Anyway, this is still just basic stuff. Still struggling with trig functions and many of the things predicated on trig functions.


Well-known member
i';d personally recommend getting a job instead then you wont have to come up with these increasingly convoluted attempts to justify your idleness


Binary & Tweed
Also have a more difficult time understanding integrals. The pathway of operations I just did was the inverse pathway of integration.

But its becoming clearer and clearer just how useful these techniques are.


Well-known member
what was really helpful for me was hospitality work. helped me get over my shyness or social anxiety as they call it today


Well-known member
i was just the same i didnt want to do any of those things either, they were scary and i didnt feel i had any aptitude for them


Binary & Tweed
I don't need more money, is the thing, and I'd rather not sell my time unless I need more money in the foreseeable future.

The other side of this is that a low-expense lifestyle becomes necessary here, which suits my educational program fine.


Binary & Tweed
To sustain a waking, sober lucidity so marvelous and sublime as to render the pursuit of almost any desire inconsequential in comparison.


Well-known member
if your not sex crazed either then there is really almost nothing pushing you to go out and engage with the world.


Binary & Tweed
In my case, its mainly science and other ideas such as those encompassed by great works of art and religion.