Rave revival?


heavy heavy monster sound
it's a chris cunningham video - the horrors fell off when people actually heard their music or saw em live though, they're absolute crap in gothy clothes.

i for one have some hopes about whats coming next in british pop/indie i think there will be bands trying bit by bit to get away from the absolute pile of shite that music has been for a while now. whether they will just divert to another piece of history shoddily re-written or aped or actually do something interesting who knows.

Aren't klaxons just sigue sigue sputnik?

No! Sigue Sigue Sputnik were...I'm gonna shut up before I bury myself. Are the Horrors shit live? Damn, i was really hoping they would totally speedNuggets out. I think they look pretty good myself, especially the bassist, he's got the creepy eyes thing down pat.


I love goths, one of my best mates was the world's biggest goth for about four years.

Let's hear it for goths! None of their bands are any good at all though.

Bela Lugosi's Dead is alright, actually.


heavy heavy monster sound
I love goths, one of my best mates was the world's biggest goth for about four years.

Let's hear it for goths! None of their bands are any good at all though.

Bela Lugosi's Dead is alright, actually.

I hate to say it, but Alien Sex Fiend are actually much better than one remembers, or would care to admit. But I'm not going to be drawn into defending 'them'! Some of my best friends are goths too. That's like saying 'I don't hate queers, my m8's a queer and he's alright'....


that bassist looks so much like my boyfriend, it is uncanny. i won't lie, i go for pale sickly post-goth kind of guys who listen to krautrock now and disco. what can i say? only my boyfriend plays with drum machines and synthesizers, doesn't wear eye makeup, and only uses guitar for sampling weird noises anymore, thankfully. i bet he will read this and be offended again that i told him he looks like that guy from the horrors.

i used to love bauhaus as a teen. and 4AD records everything. nothing wrong with that. kids now like the fucking klaxons, why should i be ashamed of bauhaus?

PS MMS: if you're 15, the klaxons aren't just sigue sigue sputnik, they're new and important and cool


There's a great deal of scope for Alien Sex Fiend to be 'better than I remember' and still be utterly terrible. I kind of liked Joolz, who I think may have had something to do with Jah Wobble.

I like this 'one of my best mates was a goth...' line partly because it makes me sound like some kind of subcultural Alf Garnett and partly because it gives the (entirely false) impression that I don't put the boot into him about it every single time we speak. In fact I found a haul of goth cassettes (the illustrious likes of Creaming Jesus, Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, London After Midnight, Death in June etc etc) in Oxfam last year and sent him one a day until my horde ran out. He assured me he had become enraged with this dark taunting and had smashed every single one, but I suspect he listens to them all, his black-varnished fingers gripping a pint of snakebite and black, his heavily kohled eyes shut in devilish remembrance.


entered apprentice
Nothing will shake me from my conviction that the Klaxons are basically more thick indie for thick people, dressed up in a different load of clothes this year around from last year. Why do people fall for it year after year?


There's a great deal of scope for Alien Sex Fiend to be 'better than I remember' and still be utterly terrible. I kind of liked Joolz, who I think may have had something to do with Jah Wobble.

I like this 'one of my best mates was a goth...' line partly because it makes me sound like some kind of subcultural Alf Garnett and partly because it gives the (entirely false) impression that I don't put the boot into him about it every single time we speak. In fact I found a haul of goth cassettes (the illustrious likes of Creaming Jesus, Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, London After Midnight, Death in June etc etc) in Oxfam last year and sent him one a day until my horde ran out. He assured me he had become enraged with this dark taunting and had smashed every single one, but I suspect he listens to them all, his black-varnished fingers gripping a pint of snakebite and black, his heavily kohled eyes shut in devilish remembrance.



PS MMS: if you're 15, the klaxons aren't just sigue sigue sputnik, they're new and important and cool

nah they're not, they're a new band, kids are smart i was.
when i was 15 actual rave music was new and important and cool and it actually was.


i'm not saying i agree with 15-year-old impressions of the klaxons, i'm just sayin that's what they probably are.


i'm not saying i agree with 15-year-old impressions of the klaxons, i'm just sayin that's what they probably are.

yes i don' t think thats how a fair chunk of 15 year olds actually feel about them. some of their remixers etc maybe but not their actual music output.


huh. i don't know. i doubt american kids have any idea who they are, on average. most of them are still on the limp bizkit tip. or they listen to what chemical romance or whatever


the klaxons (and other _developments_ in the living end# that is indie) are vaguely analogous those awful rm videos of people have their heads cut off with knives that were all the rage in some quarters of baghdad in 04/05

clearly there is insufficient sociological reason to watch any of this stuff when it's so obviously going to be an unpleasant waste of time

#jamc = indieschatology
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heavy heavy monster sound
the klaxons (and other _developments_ in the living end* that is indie) are vaguely analogous those awful rm videos of people have their heads cut off with knives that were all the rage in some quarters of baghdad in 04/05

Now now that's a bit harsh lol.

I had a phone call from Joolz last year, she's a successful writer now, and I told her that I'd ripped off one of her album sleeves for my art O level at school, and thanked her cos it got me an A. It felt like visiting confessional.


heavy heavy monster sound
Yeah! She's doing really well, was nominated for the Orange prize or whatever a coupla years ago, published by Serpents Tail now, who are a cool imprint. I'm really glad for her, she's stuck it out, which I think's always great.


no way are klaxons ethically analogous to al qaeda, got to clarify that ehem

at the end user level, it all becomes the same shit once it's digested, ennui or distress commingling in memory and always with deleterious effect on concentration spans

further analogy

klaxons = msg
war porn (soft variety = fox) = aspartame

now back to klaxons


Yeah, I thought she was at Serpent's Tail - she's in good company then - Stuart Home, Derek Raymond, David Toop et al.

Good, I'm glad she's doing well. I went to see an exhibition of Dexter Dalwood (ex-Cortinas bassplayer) paintings recently and really enjoyed it, I like to see someone succeed in a different field.


i for one have some hopes about whats coming next in british pop/indie i think there will be bands trying bit by bit to get away from the absolute pile of shite that music has been for a while now. whether they will just divert to another piece of history shoddily re-written or aped or actually do something interesting who knows.

Hmmmm...wouldn't you like to see something more worthwhile replace indie altogether?
Something else that fills up that space in British "yoof" culture? We've had at least 20 years of this crap now, and these bands never produce anything to rival the era they're apeing.

Yeah, I know I'm a bit of a stuck record on this, but...still.


Hmmmm...wouldn't you like to see something more worthwhile replace indie altogether?
Something else that fills up that space in British "yoof" culture? We've had at least 20 years of this crap now, and these bands never produce anything to rival the era they're apeing.

Yeah, I know I'm a bit of a stuck record on this, but...still.

that's not really true, there have been some exciting offshoots of indie not many but from time to time a few.