Richard Carnage

Well-known member
You're misquoting, Phil.

Q: Have you seen that movie Pi? It’s about this guy who sees numbers in everything. He thinks he’s found an equation that reveals the world’s secrets. It’s intense.

A: I feel like that. It sounds like my life. I think everything has a value. I read a lot about these things. Gödel and Cantor. Everything is changing all the time. Nothing will ever be the same again.

He does walk into it, but I don't think that it's as bad as you make out.


Well-known member

"Tell us about the arpeggiator..."


I think Zombys tunes from last year were some of his best.
Never used an arpeggiator though? fuck off


Tame Horse
Zomby is the 1st person to prove to be the biggest slag on twitter ever. I still love his music, but, Twitter + Him = ...... *eye-roll*

Yeah but the I'm Kirkegard, you're Ayn Rand thing was hilarious. Iunno if he came up with hit though, but his youtube links are usually cool.


Well-known member
Yeah but the I'm Kirkegard, you're Ayn Rand thing was hilarious. Iunno if he came up with hit though, but his youtube links are usually cool.

9 times out of 10 I love his Youtube links... It was when he 'retweeted' Beyonce, Lady Gaga and Cassie tweeting about him that I had to step back and think "Huh, maybe he's dumber than I ever considered..."

That, and the quote in Fader about Chris Martin 'fearing his swagger'...


Bring out the vacuum
Never used an arpeggiator though? fuck off

It's stupidly quick and easy to sequence or play an arpeggio without using an arpeggiator. It is impossible for the listener to know which you've done.

So I'd suspect Zomby's just being pedantic, not lying.


Well-known member
had to listen to One Step Ahead Of The Other in entirety this evening just cos of this topic. it's a masterwork, i want to decorate the room with those tunes.


Christ I actually have no idea if I own them or not. Embarrassing. Both of them have loads of Southside Dubstar whites though, that's the problem. Need to get home and check. I was marvelling at Afeks on youtube just the other day. They really were on some mad shit back then.

Edit: Now Ory mentions it, I've definitely got the Korma one, but the rest escape me.