Suggest a Book for the dissensus book club!


thread death
Ordered via amazon for 9.90.

I am going along for the ride on this one - just pleased to see some interest in a book.


Well-known member
Whoa.. I just read the blurbs for this on Amazon - right up my alley.

If a local bookshop has it I'll get it next week, otherwise it'll be a little while longer yet before I can I get it online on my card..


Well-known member
sounds interesting, however i'm gonna wait on you guys thoughts on it before i take the plunge.

my reading is already 4 books behind my buying.

empty mirror

remember the jackalope
I just got my copy in the mail. However, I am about a hundred pages (not counting footnotes) into Infinite Jest and I can't put it down.


thread death
I'm not going to tell anyone to put Infinite Jest down! I have been sorely tempted these last few days.

However, Cyclonopedia arrived today - my wife read the blurb and has yet to stop laughing! And she wants to go to Iran more than anywhere else in the world.

I will put aside what I am currently reading and hope this proves to be the book that sets the book club alight.


Well-known member
wurd down - may well bung this 'un in my next order.

Kinda not checked round these parts of late... "Hi Guys!";)

Jenks - There's only 1 'F'in OFSTED - hehe.

So yeah - look interesting, i may have some late input after Chekhov that im reading with a friend.

came across a cool word today on the first page of the steppe


yeh i may be in for this one, i've been enjoying her blog for a while ;)
will it be ok to start in october?


thread death
wurd down - may well bung this 'un in my next order.

Kinda not checked round these parts of late... "Hi Guys!";)

Jenks - There's only 1 'F'in OFSTED - hehe.

So yeah - look interesting, i may have some late input after Chekhov that im reading with a friend.

came across a cool word today on the first page of the steppe

Is that as in there's only one F in Fulham?

Glad to see you back


Beast of Burden
What about Albert Camus' The Rebel? That's a book guaranteed to spark fierce discussion, plus it's a pleasure to read.

empty mirror

remember the jackalope
'allo 'allo 'allo

i am probably not one to revive this as i am still 30 pages out from finishing cyclonopedia but yeah

anyone up for reading bolano's 2666?
i reckon many on this board have already read it

that or daumal's mount analogue (as i have been meaning to crack that one open next anyhow)



Well-known member

Yes. Both sound good.

Though im currently on Dead Souls.

other cool words I like

Steatopygian - Callipygous



thread death
I would be up for the Bolano - i have groud to a halt on Savage Detectives mainly because i ended up with 6 books on the go.

I want to get back to Savage and then take on the biggie.

Am currently 300 odd pages into The Rest Is Noise and 100 into Netherland. Bros K has taken a backseat again!

Would be good to resurrect the Book Club but I must admit to giving up on Cyclonopedia - life really is too short to force yourself through a book that you neither enjoyed nor understood just cos a bunch of people you have never met before say it is good. I haven't posted on it because my feelings about it were so at odds with the prevailing mood and excuses with regard to the utter unreadability of the thing.


Well-known member
Jenks - keep going on Bros K, I cant tell you how good it is ( Hubert Dreyfus can ) - but wow. Read it quick, as its kinda a caper yarn, but the ending is just incredible.. like every facet of the work is a broken fragment of a mirror and after you have read it and digested it spending some time staring out of windows the full reality of what all those fragments have been reflecting just dawns on you. Such an awesome piece of work. You dont strike me as a guy who struggles to get used to an authors text but if this happens to be the case with Bros K I would strongly recommend reading The Double, great great book, very enjoyable.

Your reading the Pevear and Volokhonsky translation right??

I haven't got through Cyclonopedia - I really found it fascinating, but rather than carry on reading I got preoccupied with CCRU and Hyperstition etc. I really quite enjoyed the parts I read.. I just got distracted an ended up on other stuff.