Suggest a Book for the dissensus book club!


thread death
Jenks - keep going on Bros K, I cant tell you how good it is ( Hubert Dreyfus can ) - but wow. Read it quick, as its kinda a caper yarn, but the ending is just incredible.. like every facet of the work is a broken fragment of a mirror and after you have read it and digested it spending some time staring out of windows the full reality of what all those fragments have been reflecting just dawns on you. Such an awesome piece of work. You dont strike me as a guy who struggles to get used to an authors text but if this happens to be the case with Bros K I would strongly recommend reading The Double, great great book, very enjoyable.

Your reading the Pevear and Volokhonsky translation right??


It is a time thing mainly - i took on too many big books all at the same time. I will devote my full attention to Bros k when i have clearedthe decks - it's the last piece of Fydor I have left to read, having done all the stories and novels - only thing i struggled with Demons - rest rattled by and I'm kind of hoping the same is true of Bros - who publishes the P+V translation?

Rest Is Noise is brilliant for people like me who need aproper 20th Century music guide - spending a tidy sum on music to hear what is being discussed.


Tight but Polite
What are you thinking of Cloud Atlas zhao?
I read it a year or so ago and really liked it. A lot of people seemed annoyed by the fact that it used some postmodern techniques without facing up to their implications for the novel as a whole, but I basically found it really enjoyable and thought provoking and smartly put together and philosophical consistency be damned.


Tight but Polite
Rest Is Noise is brilliant for people like me who need aproper 20th Century music guide - spending a tidy sum on music to hear what is being discussed.
Did we ever get anywhere with starting a thread to discuss this? I'd be really interested to know what Dissensus people thought of it, especially since he frequently seems to really like the music but really hate the accompanying rhetoric and theory...

Other book maybe worth talking about it if anyone's read it: Junot Diaz- The bried wondrous life of Oscar Wao. I'm about a third of the way in and loving it. Although maybe it's a bit too Dissensus friendly for Dissensus.


more issues than Time mag
Other book maybe worth talking about it if anyone's read it: Junot Diaz- The bried wondrous life of Oscar Wao. I'm about a third of the way in and loving it. Although maybe it's a bit too Dissensus friendly for Dissensus.

I loved that one.

empty mirror

remember the jackalope
yeah i don't mind if y'all are slow about picking the next book. i am going to be finished Murakami's What I Talk About When I Talk About Running (i don't know why i continue reading him---i just don't feel like i get much out of it) in a minute. as i mentioned i have a few things on deck, Mount Analogue, The Double/The Gambler, and I want to read the Valis trilogy...

Really want to read 2666 but it seems to be one of those books that errybody is reading---the world is my book club kind of thing, there'd almost be no point to having a Dissensus book club on same.


it is clear i have to read some lovecraft soon



Well-known member
y'know it almost feels like 2666 is being given away for free with this weeks copy of the metro - but i still kinda wanna read it. Daumal looks much more interesting though - leaning towards Mount Dialogue to be honest.

Im going to try and not make any suggestions- for the greater good. Boris Vian was such a crap crap read - I spit on yours graves is excellent though. - Who suggested Austerlitz? That introduced me to an author I have continued to read since - that discussion over the book was really good too.

I have some lovecraft ive yet to touch.



Knut Hamsun 'Hunger'

empty mirror

remember the jackalope
i am halfway through mount analogue and it should be required reading for dissensusiasts. all about "who am i?" and bridging the visible with invisible.
shame he never got to finish it. i figure this book ought to be 100,000 pages long. (or perhaps it is, and only 120 of them are visible...)


thread death
Hunger is good as a choice.

Whatever, I think something short tends to work well - Austerlitz went down very well and Boris was alright, i thout We did well as well but nothing came of Player Piano.

Trying to remember what else we read...

empty mirror

remember the jackalope
I can recommend Hunger. I am not sure I could reread that anytime soon---I could go for more Hamsun though.


Well-known member
Well im going away to a remote, doubtless cold and dank corner of scotland next week so id like to get started on something- or I will just kane the rest of Dead Souls...

We - was a really good book - im very glad i read that. Player Piano - enjoyed it at the time but it just hasn't stuck with me.

I saw House of Leaves in Waterstones today - id still like to read that - also Flicked through some Palahnuik but none of it was on offer..... Paul Auster? William Peter Blatty? Anais Nin?

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I'd be well up for some Auster, I loved the New York Trilogy and would be very willing to read something else by him. Leviathan would be a good choice for me as I think a friend of mine has a copy - unless loads of people here have read it already, of course.


Wild Horses
I'd be well up for some Auster, I loved the New York Trilogy and would be very willing to read something else by him. Leviathan would be a good choice for me as I think a friend of mine has a copy - unless loads of people here have read it already, of course.

i agree re: Auster. read the NY Trilogy back and forth on the red line train, when i lived in Chicago, and loved it. not read any of his other offerings, though.


more issues than Time mag
Not that I am part of the book club, but if you haven't read it yet I'd say Hamsun's Growth of the Soil is at least as good if not better than Hunger.


rip this joint please
I saw House of Leaves in Waterstones today - id still like to read that - also Flicked through some Palahnuik but none of it was on offer..... Paul Auster? William Peter Blatty? Anais Nin?

i recently started Delta of Venus. (though it's been untouched for a few weeks.)

she's quite the sexy mofo :D


"Boris Vian was such a crap crap read"
I don't agree. I thought it was much better to read than the production I saw of it - although that may reflect the production I guess.

"Leviathan would be a good choice for me as I think a friend of mine has a copy - unless loads of people here have read it already, of course."
Gotta say that I really didn't rate Leviathan. I'd be up for some of his other stuff though because mostly I enjoy him.


Wild Horses
I saw House of Leaves in Waterstones today - id still like to read that - also Flicked through some Palahnuik but none of it was on offer..... Paul Auster? William Peter Blatty? Anais Nin?

currently reading a book of letters sent between Nin and Miller (A Literate Passion)

have read her novellas and erotica, too. would be interested with any Nin discussions.

i've tried to get through House of Leaves a few times, but always ended up giving it up about halfway through. i've heard so many talk it up though.

empty mirror

remember the jackalope
one that springs to mind is the story about the gentleman playing "find the puppy" in the sheets with his two young nieces or somat.