Woofah issue 1: Reggae/Dubstep/Grime fanzine OUT


No, I came hurtling out of the cubicle, yellow-eyed, clutching a four-thousand-year-old carrier bag stuffed with Woofah's. I spent the whole evening leaping at people from the shadows shrieking 'hello-you're-so-and-so-I'm-Paul-john-eden-sent-me-to-give-you-this' before melting away like some sinister, mumbling ninja.

Grievous Angel

Beast of Burden
massive thanks to all contributors! You really made this a great magazine.

stelfox, you are at the spiritual core of this project, totally involved, and it's a privelege to have you in.

btw - since there are no ads in woofah, it's the equivalent of a 80 page mag - albeit A5 pgaes - only with better writing.

If its wednesday i might be able to come, am in town that day.
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matt b

Indexing all opinion
now that your having a london woofah love in, can i just point out that this entire thread is in the wrong forum ;)
someone handed me a copy of woofah at dots. i was so shocked. havent had time to read it all yet, but thanks whoever gave me it!


Ghosts of my life
Is this going to surface in London fairly soon? Otherwise will send off for my copy. Looks really good btw!

spooky girlfriend

Wild Horses
Just started reading my copy that arrived today, deep dancehall spinning... it took alot of willpower to avoid it this long haha. fucking top marks for this guys, hope you can keep them coming :D

Grievous Angel

Beast of Burden
Not an review, but an extensive, in-depth, conducted-over-weeks-and-carefully-put-together interview. Thus far, it might be the definitive Pinch interview...

... though it would have been interesting to read what you would have come up with Gek!