Mr BoShambles

Hizbollah in Africa

I had no idea about Hizbollah's operations in Africa and its ties to the trade in "blood diamonds":

West Africa is perhaps Hizbollah’s most critical area of operation outside of the Middle East, with the group using the region for fundraising, recruitment and to operate gray and illegal businesses that help fund operations elsewhere....

Hizbollah benefits from established local networks, porous borders, poor internal security and limited state capacity to enforce regulations on the diamond trade.

Looks like the conflict with Israel has the potential to spill-over into Africa if this report is anything to go by:

In February 2009, the one-year anniversary of the Mughniyeh assassination raised fresh concerns for a possible Hizbollah attack on Israeli nationals and business interests. Israel has significant commercial interests across West Africa, and Israelis are heavily involved in the diamond trade on the continent. An attempted attack on Israeli diamond brokers in West Africa was rumored to have been thwarted in early 2008, and a second warning was issued later in August, prompting Israeli intelligence officials to visit the region.
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rip this joint please
with a wry smile

The organisers of the 2009 UN Conference to promote antisemitism have declared themselves delighted with the first day of the Geneva conference yesterday. The keynote speaker, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, "pushed all the right buttons", said a conference organiser. "To have the world's most famous Holocaust denier speak on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day? A masterstroke!"



I had no idea about Hizbollah's operations in Africa and its ties to the trade in "blood diamonds":

Curious. Israel has 'business and national interests' 'heavily involved in the diamond trade', whislt Hezbollah have 'gray and illegal' ties with 'blood diamonds'.

Of course, anyone involved in African diamonds is up to their neck in blood...

Looks like the conflict with Israel has the potential to spill-over into Africa if this report is anything to go by:

Yes. It would be terrible if this happened along with the accompanying violations of sovereignty and IL...

Oh wait.

Israel Bombed Sudan

Israel's (outgoing) prime minister, Ehud Olmert, has pretty much confirmed the news -- first reported by CBS yesterday -- that Israel bombed a convoy of arms dealers in Sudan in January to destroy a reported shipment of weapons from Iran to Hamas."Israel hits every place it can in order to stop terror, near and far," said Olmert.

An analysis from Amos Harel in Haaretz says that Israel's concern was that Iran might be sending advanced missiles to Hamas:

A reasonable assumption would be that Iran sought to provide Hamas with Fajr missiles, whose deployment in Gaza would constitute what the IDF terms as "a weapon that shifts the balance." During the Gaza lull, Hamas smuggled Katyusha rockets with an increased range from 20 kilometers to 40 kilometers. If it successfully managed to obtain Fajrs, Hamas could have placed Tel Aviv within missile range, which is exactly the coup it has sought in an effort to create the impression of a victory over Israel.

I'm not sure if that is a "reasonable assumption" or not, though it isn't outlandish. But the raid, which reportedly killed between 30 and 40 people and destroyed 17 trucks, is a big deal, even though it occurred months ago, and it could severely destabilize Sudan, inflame relations between Arab countries, Iran, and the United States, and set the stage for a response by Iran.


rip this joint please
i suppose it's not beyond the realms of possibility that Hizbollah respect Global Witness-type rules re any diamonds they profit from, but it's more likely the Israelis can do so, for all the obvious reasons they are an internationally recognised state signed up to the Kimberley Process, doing well enough by it (certainly they got a good bill of health at their last review from Global Witness AFAIK), more legitimacy accrued to them etc.

OT of course and as Droid alludes to, a can of worms.

the Kimberley Process is a good thing in that it has produced some positive results, but of course more must, and should, be done. and this is just diamonds, i mean, minerals and such, another thing entirely.

it has far too many loopholes (that i am aware of), and far too many people turning a blind eye to things. (i am not talking about Hizbollah or Israel here; OT, as i say.)


Yeah, I was referring more to the overall problems with the export of African diamonds. As I'm sure you're aware the KPCS is an extremely porous 'soft' agreement, and as Israel processes about 50% of all rough diamonds (worth over 5 billion), its inevitable that there are some seriously dodgy dealings going on there. The historical involvement with apartheid SA's diamond trade isn't exactly an encouraging precedent.

There's also the role of groups like the Lev Leviev Africa-Israel company in the funding of illegal settlements in the OT, but that's another story altogether.

josef k.

Dangerous Mystagogue
A positive development:

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padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
A positive development:

I'm sorry, but how is self-righteous bullshit from American politicians a "positive development"? leaving aside that it almost certainly won't be followed thru on.

also Dayan was notoriously ambiguous, as well as self-contradictory, on annexation, settlement, etc. tho, I can't tell for sure but I'm guessing the other dude is a young Netanyahu?

josef k.

Dangerous Mystagogue

He's still sleeping, you know.

Israel has to halt settlement construction. The settlers are the main problem in Israel.


Well-known member
I'm sorry, but how is self-righteous bullshit from American politicians a "positive development"? leaving aside that it almost certainly won't be followed thru on.

Surely the fact that they've publicly said they'll "press the point" has to be positive - anything that restricts wriggle room.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
Israel has to halt settlement construction.

this is easier said than done. I am unconvinced the best way to go about it is to lean heavily (& publicly) on the Israeli govt, which - not to absolve it - has always had tenuous control over the settlements.

the point is - what will Israel get out of halting the settlements? what will the govt get out of it? what will settlers get out of it? what are the incentives? Hillary Clinton blundering around with a big stick & Obama playing good cop does not seem like a recipe for success.

The settlers are the main problem in Israel

I would say they're actually symptomatic of the main problem, which is that the status quo is untenable.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
Surely the fact that they've publicly said they'll "press the point" has to be positive - anything that restricts wriggle room.

Yes indeed. A real change from the Bush approach.

right. Kissinger failed, Carter failed, (Reagan & Bush I didn't really try), Clinton failed, Bush II failed. a lot of bluster.

as ever I remain suspect of Westerners swooping in on high horses to impose peace.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
I'm not disagreeing so much as saying that I don't know if the Israeli govt would be capable, even enough of it wanted to, of dismantling or even halting settlement. or even if it could, if it would be willing to face the public outcry. I think Westerners often underestimate the tremendous internal pressure w/in Israel.

& again - & this is not a new problem or anything - what's the incentive? who is the guarantor of whatever promises the Israelis extract in return for what they concede?