No Future for the GOP?


rip this joint please
that's christmas with craner

currently reading Richard Vinen's Thatcher Years. most interesting fact to emerge so far is that after WW2, Enoch Powell thought the UK should ally with the USSR against the US as the former took a more Westphalian attitude to the British Empire. They don't make em that mad any more.

i love, also, those crusty old Tories who take the opposite tack to their Atlanticist colleagues because of some deep-seated New World antipathy (i.e. the buying your own furniture school of Tory animus)


Well-known member
i love, also, those crusty old Tories who take the opposite tack to their Atlanticist colleagues because of some deep-seated New World antipathy (i.e. the buying your own furniture school of Tory animus)

just got to the part where he talks about those Tories who railed against public schools for instilling a "pastoral" vision of Britain that was all aristos, country pursuits and public service rather than engineering, industry and red blooded capitalism. Chief among them former public schoolboy Nicholas Henderson, UK ambassador to Paris:

His life in France revolved around hunting parties and tastings of vintage claret....after dining with the rector of Sorbonne he fussed about whether Oxford dons were still being waited on by flunkeys in white gloves...he had run a ruthless campaign of press leaks to undermine a team sent by a cabinet think thank in the mid-70s to enquire into why, for example, the British embassy in Paris needed 11 official cars when the French embassy in London made do with one.


Yeah, it's total lunacy. I can't decide if it's more ire than was directed at Bush or just the way things go over the pond. It does seem like there are more voices (in the US) legitimising Obama hatred than Bush hatred (which seemed to get treated rather derisively in the media and by the political class). But this is all very impressionistic.

Apropos Obama as Stalin, I was interested in the way that Dial compared the man to Bush. Because, if you go over to, say, Samizdata (a libertarian-right blog), you can see a variety of, well, I would have to say quite insane posts claming that Obama is a Marxist, or that Obama deliberately announced the abandonment of the missile defence sheild on the anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Poland. Both obviously demonstrably false. And these are quite intelligent people who nevetherless seem congenitally unable to listen to reason with regard to Obama.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
And these are quite intelligent people who nevetherless seem congenitally unable to listen to reason with regard to Obama.

race, pure & simple. of course, there are other things - he checks nearly every box on the list of things that make right-wing pundits salivate; intellectual, Harvard graduate (editor of the Law Review even), experience in community organizing (e.g. a "socialist"), well-spoken. everything thing about him screams "elite" almost to the point of cliche, which is esp. ironic as G.W., for all his good ol' boy Texas oilman schtick, was the epitomy of a traditional Establishment elite - from a family of Yankee aristocrats, Andover (like his father), Yale (father & grandfather), grandad a senator, dad head of the C.I.A. (for a very long time a WASP social club) & president.

but I still think it comes back to race, consciously in some cases, unconsciously in others. at least in terms of what makes rational opposition turn into fear mongering, race & red baiting, etc. ugliness. I think a lot of people are simply unable to come to terms with a black man, especially one who is smarter than most of them, being President. whether or not they'd like to admit it. I know you guys have racial issues in Britain but it's impossible to really convey the the power and depth of the feelings over race in this country, the kind of manic hysteria it can provoke (w/o much provocation either - it's pretty close to the surface).


You're obviousy in the US padraig (Samizdata is a UK blog, BTW: you may be right about race in general, but specific to them I think it's something else) -- from where you're sitting, is Obama hatred greater than Bush hatred was?

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
Bush tops in quantity, Obama in quality. Bush hatred was more widespread, esp. in the latter years, but Obama hatred is more virulent, incisive, concentrated, where it is found. Clinton was hated by many of the same people, of course, but that had the air of a personal vendetta (as well as bitterness at his success). with Obama it feels like the ugliness is lurking just below the surface, where you can almost see it but not quite, close enough to pop up into daylight every so often, as with this dude from South Carolina trying to shout him down in the House of Reps. can you envision that happening to a white President?

as far as internationally I can't really speak to it but I suspect that at least in part people in the U.K. and elsewhere are picking up on and being influenced by the tone of the debate here.


rip this joint please
definitely feeling what Padraig says.

this is also good. (i won't bother providing the columnist links as the writer does describe things fairly.)

Patricia Williams laments some of the tropes now being used on the US right against President Obama. Not without reason: in the examples she gives you'll be able to find much that is both odious and unhinged. What also strikes me, however, is Williams's selection of bad precedents for this sort of thing, from Stalin and Goebbels to Argentina just before the junta and Rwanda in the run-up to the genocide. For my part I can think of a president, sorry, precedent, closer to home. I mean George W. Bush. Williams surely can't have forgotten the 'Bush=Hitler' and the chimpee years - the Bush as election-thief and moron and more, loathed and despised in the most loquacious, feel-my-virtue way.

Jonathan Freedland's remarks in yesterday's Guardian on the media's treatment of Gordon Brown with 'visible disdain' - as showing, this, 'disrespect for the democratic process itself' - prompts a similar thought. It reminds me of the respect for the democratic process displayed by the Guardian and European liberal opinion when it met with the outcome of that process in the person of George Bush.

Some may be tempted to say in response that neither Obama nor Brown is George Bush. I simply refer them to the point being made in the two columns I've linked to. It has a certain generality, though the two authors concerned may themselves have overlooked its application to the 43rd president of the United States.

(his second paragraph is a reference, among other things, to the Guardian's Clark County project.)


Well-known member
Bush as election thief could hardly just be ignored. But yeah, the moron/chimp schtick was creeping into news coverage in a way that reflected poorly on them - leave that to the cartoons.

And Clark County was just so, so stupid in so many ways.


rip this joint please
completely agree w everything you say Cracker. (and obv Obama hatred is a more severe level of offence for all the clear reasons we've been outlining on thread, and the tone has also been grosser from media that influence dicks on the street etc.)

that said, here's a wanker of the day picture for everybody to enjoy


padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
I had numerous problems with the Bush/Nazi symbolism. for one, it devalued the idea of the Nazis and fascism the way all these spurious Godwin's Law things do. it also devalued the many real critiques of the Bush admin - I always used to cringe at those things at demos (the ones with the Star of David & swastika are even worse, legitimately offensive). plus it was just trite. oh yes, that's original, compare him to Hitler.

certainly not cause I had any sympathy for G.W. tho. abysmal President, loathsome human being. lord save us from fulsome American aristocrats pretending to be average Joes. that's one nice thing about the Big O at least - none of that nonsense.


On the other hand, I remember reading a Wynne Godley (legendary Keynesian macroeconomic modeller) strategic analysis briefing that claimed that Bush's huge fiscal deficits saved the US from a very serious recession.


Well-known member
On the other hand, I remember reading a Wynne Godley (legendary Keynesian macroeconomic modeller) strategic analysis briefing that claimed that Bush's huge fiscal deficits saved the US from a very serious recession.

that wasn't the strategy though, was it? he just wanted to reward the rich without smashing into the poor - an accidental keynesian


rip this joint please
this is a bit of a parochial note, mostly for the Brits on thread, but in what universe does our very own, very lovely Stop the War Coalition think it's a good idea to garland an article on their website (by far-right anti-semitic paranoid loon scumbag Paul Craig Roberts, no less) with this charming image?


corking stuff


Check this out--the top of a recent FT article on the politics of the dollar:

The falling US dollar is giving ammunition to the critics of the Obama administration and fuelling broader concerns about the potential erosion of America's reserve currency status.

Sarah Palin, the former vice-presidential Republican candidate, yesterday sought to link the dollar decline to rising US indebtedness and dependence on foreign oil. "We can see the effect of this in the price of gold, which hit a record high today in response to fears about the weakened dollar," she wrote on her Facebook site.

As Mr Tea said, whatwhatwhat??? "Wrote on her facebook site"? Really? Really??