No Future for the GOP?




A blog about international law called Opinio Juris. No idea where the picture was taken.
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Well-known member
Democrats today were set to secure a 60-seat super-majority in the US Senate for the first time in a generation after the dramatic defection from Republican ranks of Arlen Specter.

The five-term Pennsylvania Senator announced at lunchtime after a brief conversation with President Obama that he will run for re-election next year as a Democrat because "the Republican Party has moved far to the right".


Well-known member

I like the sound of this fella:

Former Republican John Cole:

I’m still waiting on my Soros check and forty virgins, so don’t get too excited, Arlen. Oh, and by the way, wingnuts- how is that Republican purity treating you? Is the GOP small enough to drown in a bathtub yet? Going to love hearing how a loyal foot soldier for three decades in the GOP wasn’t “conservative enough.”


GOP facepalm -- NRO edition

An absolute must read -- Clifford May pretends to be John Stewart and interviews himself:

JS: You don’t think the torture memos told these guys to go ahead and knock yourself out — or rather, knock out your prisoners?

CM: No one who reads the memos can think that. The media keep calling these “torture memos.” They’re really “anti-torture memos.” (...)

JS: C’mon, Cliff. You’re trying to tell me waterboarding is not torture?

CM: It can be — it certainly was when the Japanese did it.