Was this a Godard reference? Which film?
Don't do it! You're doing fine without it. Unless it sounds like a whole lot of fun to you.
Clausewitz's view of war is instrumental; it is a tool of state policy. This premise underlies his analysis.
Who says it? Which scene?
"Clausewitz's view of war is instrumental; it is a tool of state policy. This premise underlies his analysis."
But who wields this instrument? The state itself surely cannot wield instruments - they have to wielded by individuals. But then the patterns and programs of a state serve to severely restrict what is, or is not, possible, by any given actor in any given place. But these operations become increasingly complex the further up you go in society. The pressures acting on the man with his finger on the nuclear button serve to modulate him more sensitively then they serve to modulate the street sweeper.
Or do they?
Russia/ans are willing to do what is "necessary" to win such a war. this is not, I think, a "good" kind of will, though perhaps it's one that Clausewitz would, if not admire, then perhaps nod his head at?
But who wields this instrument?
nah it doesn't sound like fun but I realized a year or so ago that I actually could learn a lot, you just have to be focused, it always seemed so pointless & inevitable in my teens but then I realized that just cos most kids (the ones who can of course) go to college for lack of a better idea doesn't mean that one can't learn, you just to have know what your purpose is, what you're trying to learn. which I kind of wish I had understood then. not that not going was terrible - I have a lot of what you might call "life experience", at least for a middleclass honky from the burbs. plus it was nice for my parents, they didn't have to shell out major $, spent on on my sister instead & now I just turned old enough to get better financial aid.
there's just stuff, some of which is worthwhile, which it is impossible to do without a degree.
this is a good question - pointing out the obv. problem that there is no such thing as the State, as such. like WWI, the tool quickly, almost immediately, broke free from the grasp of its' wielder.
"She's constantly pouting, spazzing out and acting cutesy. She pleads with her boyfriend to have a baby, and he says no repeatedly. When her boyfriend pokes fun at her for being so silly acting she says she something like it's beautiful when women cry or there's nothing more beautiful than a woman crying. Something like that. Then she goes on to say that "modern women" get it all wrong when they try to act like men and not flighty and hysteria-prone."
Do you agree, do you disagree?
EDIT: More importantly - is this saying that woman sometimes strategically throw tantrums? This is blowing my mind.
I would say no, but perhaps I'm not sure what you mean. On War is not a justification for all-out-war, whatever the cost, but a book about strategy (and the practicalities of fighting).
See I think you're in a much better position now to get the most out of college than you probably were in your teens. I know I am more now than I was then. I spent 8 years, wasted a full-scholarship to undergrad, and a whole lot of student loan money taking humanities courses essentially because I didn't want to be bothered taking chem and physics labs on Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings.
I've always been much more intrigued by medical sciences, but it's not until later in life that I'm ready and willing to do buckle down and do it. So I'm "transferring" my credits from my first BA into another bachelor's of science program in cellular biology so I can get the courses I need to qualify for med school. I actually have a plan for myself now, whereas all I had as a teen was vague aesthetic interests and even more vague ambitions (that included finding a job where you earn a lot and work a little).
Degrees do open doors, though. It's just best to go into a degree program as certain as possible that you want to make the best of it.
actually I want to go to medical school as well. the desire just struck me out of nowhere one day, stronger than I think anything else ever in my whole life - it's not exactly practical at this stage in the game but hey I think I can do it. I haven't started yet cause I want to be as you say, certain about the how of it, but I think either the summer or fall term.