
Well-known member
When did we start collectively thinking about governed life in terms of "the system"? Could it have caught on as information technology took off? An inability to comprehend the intricate patterns of that with which you interact, and a paranoia about how it may be used against you?


Well-known member
this is very good and very true but i dont personally beleive there is a huge distinction between government and tech monopoly to be made and tech monopoly is an arm of empire imo not to say there arent tensions and contradictions built into that

The tech company's ability to obscure invasiveness and methods of accumulating information is what totalitarian governments wish they had, and are slowly lurching towards. Governance is really far behind what a facebook/Google/amazon knows about you

It's no coincidence that the truly populist "western" political movements of recent years in Trump & Vote Leave were the ones who embraced the ability to scrape data and manipulate their marketing to the inner whims of AI and adjusted accordingly

The same thing is clearly happening with the non-lockdown movements but that manipulation is far greyer and pulling a variety of directions, which is why you have people who are effectively left-wing holistic suddenly joining forces with far-right twats like Farage et al

The furore about vaccine passports etc is really chasing the past, the horse has bolted. The computers know where you are anyway


Well-known member
But- I am digressing. The system is everything now, whereas previously you could detach I think


Well-known member
what i mean is that google facebook amazon are more and more enfolded in and integral to the us imperial project
but otherwise i agree. we have crossed a threshold there is no outside any more.


Well-known member
Tbh I think amazon is more integral to a Chinese project than American, 3/4 of the shite on that site these days is cheaper Chinese versions of mainstream products rather than anything "American" per se

I stopped using it after they sent me a box of Daz instead of a laptop a while back but try and search for any product and half the links are for grey market ripoffs, even on branded product.


Well-known member
thats a good way of looking at it but they dont work with the chinese military and other government infrastraucture as far as i know

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Tbh I think amazon is more integral to a Chinese project than American, 3/4 of the shite on that site these days is cheaper Chinese versions of mainstream products rather than anything "American" per se

I stopped using it after they sent me a box of Daz instead of a laptop a while back but try and search for any product and half the links are for grey market ripoffs, even on branded product.
Well China is an empire in its own right, isn't it.


Well-known member
then you have the troll and proopaganda armies all large states (and also non-state actors) now command

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
You might feel differently if you were Uyghur, Tibetan, Taiwanese, Hong-kongese...
I mean I know you're on this whole "death to America" thing, but that doesn't compel you to be wilfully naive about other states just because they're rival empires to America. Russia's an even more obvious case.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
probably that thing barty was talking about where the majority of twitter users are now not actually human but bots
That's what I first thought but then I wondered if he meant something deeper than that.

Yes there's tons of bots but they're not actually "intelligent" or even close to intelligent, and they've been created by flesh-and-blood people to prosecute those people's agendas.


Well-known member
you have about 5 lines you repeat in every situation regardless of what the conversation is or whay the other person thinks. like a bot.


Well-known member
i dont think england is an empire just becasue we dominate the weaker scots, irish and welsh races. we do dominate them but i dont think it makes us an empire.


Well-known member
theres a difference between a running joke and a reliance on 5 (being generous) 'arguments' which are applied to every conversation almost at random.