has the world got uglier?


Well-known member
It's not the good new buildings it's the cheap flats sprouting everywhere like fungus, Cardiff Bay is full of it. Future slums.
you should see Stratford, Pimlico, Vauxhall.... clumps of mismatched towers, each with glorious view onto the adjacent tower, a few metres away, permanatly in shadow. future slums or future Grenfells


Well-known member
I was thinking the same! Although my mind went to a poor mother making some lunch for a geek son, walking into his bedroom and he’s designing a cunt wars logo
it might be it's all freelance work done by dudes hired off fiverr


Well-known member
@IdleRich has the game progressed in any way while you were playing it over the years?
do they ever introduce updates? special events? does the lore actually develop in any way?
The tag reminds me of this nightmare I had about a little machine embedded in the skin of my leg that was sending out all kinds of information and also sapping my money and energy. I couldn't turn it off or unplug it, but it didn't feel hi-tech, it felt plasticky and cheap in how it looked, it somehow had the feeling of those weird casino pop-ups you'd get on windows 98, trashy and buggy, hastily thrown together. And I couldn't get rid of it, contaminated.

this from dematerialisation thread is related to my feelings about the worlds ugliness - contamination being the key word, and a sense of glut


Cat Malogen
Crowds at the football wear more black coats, def become dominant colour attire which is weird for a club who wear red. Haven’t seen Celtic for a while but they only do green

Look at a match clip from a few years back, eg the 00’s, see all the white, red, blue in crowds etc (not a Rangers trigger). Very uniform/dowdy look now comparatively

Same with cars, everything is slowly mulching into homogeneity due to any image constantly being reflected back via a screen, recycled, upgraded but not improved


Well-known member
the world i grew up in wasnt very pretty but maybe i found it easier to romanticise. the grey desolation. the empty space.
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Well-known member
shops look different for sure. there's a lot of massive windows and they've done something different with the lighting, can't describe what it is but its definitely there. fonts are bigger and more in your face as well i think.