
Femboyism IS feminism.
The problem is that you're not philosophical enough to accept abstraction that moves beyond that with which you're familiar. You're basically a conservative but stuck in a superficially 'progressive' niche worldview
So you can't show that you didn't equivocate. Too bad.


So you can't show that you didn't equivocate. Too bad.
What I'm saying is that there was an antecedent problem: that you don't seem to be able to understand arguments that involve a modicum of abstraction and novelty; your 'refutations' are badly formulated outbursts that are merely symptoms of your chronic intellectual indigestion


Femboyism IS feminism.
What I'm saying is that there was an antecedent problem: that you don't seem to be able to understand arguments that involve a modicum of abstraction and novelty; your 'refutations' are badly formulated outbursts that are merely symptoms of your chronic intellectual indigestion
I understood your (bad) arguments very well. If you think there's something I don't understand, please tell me.


I understood your (bad) arguments very well. If you think there's something I don't understand, please tell me.
There's scant evidence that you understand anything...pretty much everyone on this thread disagrees with you - on a great array of matters - and yet your response resembles an especially obstinate bollard


Femboyism IS feminism.
There's scant evidence that you understand anything...pretty much everyone on this thread disagrees with you - on a great array of matters - and yet your response resembles an especially obstinate bollard
Another argument from popularity. Also, no one on this board agrees about anything other than that we all think you suck. And I don't care if no agrees with me. I know I'm right.


Femboyism IS feminism.
You self-identify as right and so you're right - that's the last thing we need.
No one believes that you can be right just because you identify as right. What would it even mean to identify as right? You have no right to accuse me of misunderstanding you when you interpret me in ways totally alien to common sense and hermeneutic charity.


No one believes that you can be right just because you identify as right. What would it even mean to identify as right? You have no right to accuse me of misunderstanding you when you interpret me in ways totally alien to common sense and hermeneutic charity.
You said you 'know' you're right...I don't see where you get any special knowledge about this just from being you


Let me guess, you're top of malelesbian's list of Most Important Thinkers Alive like sus is top of Our Generation's Best Writers


Well-known member
Male Lesbian claims race is essential—but here's a riddle. How can that be the case when Italians used to be people of color, but aren't anymore?


Femboyism IS feminism.
Male Lesbian claims race is essential—but here's a riddle. How can that be the case when Italians used to be people of color, but aren't anymore?
Actually, I claimed that race is NOT essential. There is no common quality that all members of a race must share, other than that they share the race of their parents. But just because only dogs can give birth to dogs doesn't mean that any essential qualities define a dog. Again, Darwin refuted essentialism. If you want to claim that two black parents can give birth to a white child, that's your problem.
Yes, the culture surrounding a race can change. A race's social status can change. That is why italians are no longer POCs.
I claimed that transracialism is false. A person cannot change their race within their lifetime. You seemed to reject transracialism in your "Dolezal77" post, but now you're affirming transracialism it seems? Again, it goes to show you lack a coherent argument against my view.


pass the sick bucket
None of these facts support transracialism. Yes, a black mother and a white father can have a baby that is black in that it is of mixed race. But that doesn't mean the baby can change its race later in life. Further, cultural blackness differs from racial blackness. So you still haven't addressed the main issue which is that you equivocate between race and cultural identity.

CBA to say more but you really haven't ever seen black africans and black americans go to blows over this with each other.

Even cultural blackness is much more mutable than you think it is, and isn't acknowledged as universally applicable in all times.

I mean even to go closer to home afro-Palestinians and afro-Iraqis wouldn't be considered as black by some people in the Black American community. Not here to debate whether they are right or wrong.

I don't care for the transracial argument but what you're doing is reifying the races, which is, well, racist.