being reasonable


Well-known member
probably a few other existing semi relevant threads but here we go:
I don't think you're bloodthirsty enough for revolution.

You're kind of exactly the person who should lead something like that and that's why you never will. You'll be shoved out the way by all the power mad cunts and arseholes.
I think similar thoughts often. my friends that are 'into politics' are generally awful, but at the same time do actually accomplish some good. Similar thoughts going on at the post george floyd protests- local leaders in my area were incompetent and I didn't jive with about half of what they were saying, but regardless, thats who felt compelled to take initiative, so we went.

And this isnt exclusively political (from an unsourced quote originally offered by @suspendedreason):
What is this “watcher at the gates of the mind” that crushes spontaneity, originality, and fun? ....we have a candidate for the watcher at the gates of the mind. Arne Dietrich named this the “transient hypofrontality hypothesis,” proposing that what altered states such as “dreaming, endurance running, meditation, daydreaming, hypnosis, and various drug-induced states” have in common is a pattern of inhibition in the prefrontal cortex. Group rituals, especially rhythmic rituals (like endurance running), have the power to inhibit ordinary self-conscious social rumination and provide pleasurable ego-loss as well as social connection and bonding.

I generally feel too sane and sensible to produce anything interesting, and any time I've ever made something I truly like its come from a process of producing a stream of unguided nonsense that I dig interesting parts out of as an impartial observer. I haven't met anyone who makes good stuff that isnt a weirdo.

From the 'is dissnesus dead thread:'
Which is probably why the forum is dying - too many reasonable cunts like me with nothing to say.
What is this “watcher at the gates of the mind” that crushes spontaneity, originality, and fun?

The censor? which we've talked about in relation to inhibiting action and creativity

of course parallels with super ego / daddy's law. The censor, superego is like a surrogate audience when you don't have a literal one. regulates behaviour. it can be replaced by other audiences that compel you to do or not do stuff, real ones (bolshy BLM protest leaders and their followers) and fakeones (voices in your head telling you to kill yourself, run into motorway and scream at everyone that you're christ returned) but for most people a continual stream of reasonable demands are made that make your life boring


Well-known member
One way to approach this, how I approach this on the page, is to speak out of fairly unmodulated positions. So the best way to explain this is to take the experience of pain, of suffering. To modulate that suffering would be to say, I've felt worse, and it will be over soon and there are starving babies in Africa and first world problems and I'm making too big a deal of it. But existing beneath that is the unmodulated howl of pain which I want to isolate.


Well-known member
This is why I think the page is very useful and why I think writing is very useful as you can make these destratifying experiments


Well-known member
Dissensus doesn't thrive on people presenting their considered opinions which they have strived to make airtight and able to repel all hostile forces. That's what I describe as Robot Wars, where you steer these impregnable robot fortress-warriors into combat.


Well-known member
To liquefy the reasonable self takes work, it's a huge very significant achievement and very much something worth striving for. It will keep recoagulating and you will have to keep liquefying it.


Well-known member
Another good hygiene practice is to push ideas into their extreme forms. Another one is to get rid of caveats and hedging and humming and hahing hemming and hawing. Which then gives your statements a pleasing sculptural purity and integrity.


Well-known member
Another good hygiene practice is to push ideas into their extreme forms. Another one is to get rid of caveats and hedging and humming and hahing hemming and hawing. Which then gives your statements a pleasing sculptural purity and integrity.

"although" and "on the other hand" are canceled.

Simon silverdollarcircle

Well-known member
Dissensus doesn't thrive on people presenting their considered opinions which they have strived to make airtight and able to repel all hostile forces. That's what I describe as Robot Wars, where you steer these impregnable robot fortress-warriors into combat.
Yes there's an overwhelming tendency in everyday life to think that the point of talk and conversation is to say something right, or true. It's hard not to be swept up by that but it's very deadening.

But some people do break free. My wife's mum has this basic assumption that the point of conversation is to say something interesting and/or new. It's not about being right, it's about an exploration of possible thoughts.

But people like that are very rare. I'm hardly ever like that tho I wish I was.


Well-known member
This is a safe boundaried space in which you can try out these growth practices and we will support you won't we lads. We are nurturing and supportive and help each other flourish


Dissensus doesn't thrive on people presenting their considered opinions which they have strived to make airtight and able to repel all hostile forces. That's what I describe as Robot Wars, where you steer these impregnable robot fortress-warriors into combat.
I reckon you need a little bit of that too while everyone else is just firing off random cruise missiles in all directions... it's good to have someone pop up every now and then and say "no that's bollocks because..." or else it's all totally unanchored. If there is no common ground or grounding at all then it's all just people flying past each other and never meeting at all so it can't lead to progress.