
In liquification is the possibility for rebirth in new structure. The whirlpool sucks you down and spits you up in new form. You pass into the realm of the dead. All is dust. All is stillness. Time stops because there is no life to experience it.

Down the wormhole. Down the rabbithole. Alice in Wonderland. Farscape. Neo in the Matrix. Internet rabbitholes. Red pill blue pill. Get sucked in it'll change you. It'll kill you and youll be reborn. No man comes back through a portal the same way he entered. No man comes back through the same portal.


You see dust and death

You come back from the bottom of the sea with a pearl of great price

A new faith

A new source of light

A silmaril. A little piece of the moon

A grail. A vision. A lesson. A magic herb. A motto a spell a proverb an incantation an axiom.

Through the crashes and relaunches there is learning across them there is an evolutionary process an exquisite science


The tower and the garden and the chasm are connected to the heros journey they are different descriptions of the same process

The hero leaves the garden loses his innocence like adam and eve

He kills his brother and builds cities like cain

He passes from one structure of understanding one orientation one way of being, irrevocably to the next, the self-structutes bridged by destruction


It's lightning striking the tower on the card, holy lightning. That's what Blicero's trying to harness with the V-2. The Tower made weapon to strike back at God.
The lightning is the mushroom that awakens the ape

The lightning is the mirror in the pool that brings selfknowledge

The bolt from another world—the eyes of others, oneself seem as if from above, from outside

Selfconsciousness a Fall and a new beginning the birth of man. "From giants we are descended"


"I just saw the Doors movie. Jim Morrison just tried to break on through to the other side too fast, thinking that all you had to do was take more and more acid. When you can’t break through anymore, when you bounce off it, you become resentful and turn to death. You won’t find that world of purity that you were expecting, and now you become resentful and turn against yourself, turn suicidal. Deleuze and Guattari call it a black hole. You enter the wrong attractor. The 60’s were extremely destratifying, and yet, because they thought they were going to achieve everything within the 60’s – and what they wanted was not achievable, period – fringes of this motion went into the wrong track. Then you have the Weathermen, completely pathetic terrorists blowing themselves up. That’s that impatience and resentment that Deleuze and Guattari warn about."

Prediction tablet and Scrapheap sort of bombard you with all these images of everything that's fucked up and false about the world we're in, and all the poems after that are a progressively more human reckoning of all of that, trying to find a way through it all and break on through. I think that's the trajectory of the book, assuming they're presented in chronological order.

The mirror represents a portal then. If the portal remains closed, it reflects, bounces back. But it's also a potential entry point to another world where it's possible to break on through to the other side.



I got the word "plunge" from Virginia Woolf. Everything is always plunging. And the rhythm of the sea in soundwaves rapping gainst the windowpanes.

Plunge is neutral on intentionality, it encompasses both the dive and the fall.

Jung said of James and Lucia Joyce that both plunged into a pool, one diving the other falling

(This is where Joanna Newsom's Divers picks up)


im at work rn and will be laid up w my boyfriend after so i think prodding the thread in the direction i want it to go w offhand comments is like. Fine. for now
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i obviously have tons of thoughts on: 'catastrophe as orginary for civilisation'; 'Genesis 2 not primal to mankind or even civilisation but recording at least an early world ending/worldview exhausting rupture within the providing enclosure (Gan Eden) that civilisation was supposed to be (basically because of ecological indecency)'; 'mechanisation having already taken command at Çatalhöyuk (Cattle Hook; Chattel Who Look)'; 'the Chosen People's secret identity with Cain, Canaan, the slain Egyptians of Exodus, the slaves who built the Temple and the people of the land who resisted Ezra'
but theyre not organised yet and i gotta go back to work : (

^ nobody has pulled at any of these threads yet


the distinction between scholem and jung as types of esotericist is i think as follows -

scholem's concern is for doing historiography and philology based on manuscript sources, trying to reconstruct and popularise multiple speculative views and quasi-systems that were available to literate ✌️ pre-modern ✌️ (pre-Haskalah) Jewry.

whereas jung is trying to construct a personal system of speculative views about consciousness and 'human being' as such, based both on experience as a clinical therapist and on his personal practice as a contemplative mystic-sorcerer.


the caveat though is that scholem does end up w a specific historiosophy -about- 'catastrophe as motor of jewish history' and ends up privileging ink for trends in jewish thought which bolster this view.


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might have just gone mad, which is possible, but i have this sense that there's something about our understanding of human experience which doesn't add up, there's some kind of missing component. the current science is awaiting a breakthrough not in terms of how to do stuff but in terms of how we understand what human beings are and how they work. pure speculation but it could be something like this about the way memory is passed down through generations. our current ways of thinking about it are pretty basic and biological, some stuff is genetic and the other stuff is the things that have happened to you in your life (ie nature and nurture). there feels like there's a missing piece there to me. something to do with the experiences of our forefathers being passed down.


whereas jung is trying to construct a personal system of speculative views about consciousness and 'human being' as such, based both on experience as a clinical therapist and on his personal practice as a contemplative mystic-sorcerer.
Is this true? I don't know my Jung well but he seems very interesting in universal unconscious, archetypes, mythology, alchemy—all these symbolic traditions that transcend personal experience


there are also his red and black books which are diaristic, something like 'sermons for the dead' is very idiosyncratic