aleekinsertedincorpseysbumholeall the other funks
corpsey's boys
corpsey's decadent
corpsey's law
decadent cunting bourgeois ears
electro's forgotten potato
guaranteed to keep you dry
i fear i've hurt your feelings
jamaican voodoo gang from predator 2
mantronix via schaeffer
oh dear
please be patient i have autism
There have been many false alarms, and Ive criticised some on this very forum, but I cant think of a time in recent history when a direct conflict with Iran was more likely.
Its long been a strategic aim of Israel to denude Iran's capabilities. Netanyahu's increasingly deranged presentations...
Where would be a good place to start reading up on this? Society of the Spectacle? Or is there a better work in terms of an introduction?
If people want, this can also be a thread for debating the pros/cons of it as a political philosophy, but obv I can't contribute anything to that yet. ;)
extravagant baudrillard
mentally deficient buddhist
monogamous police hound
pathetic [ben] morea and his mystical associate
the game of war
the idiot had been a maoist
the incomparable mescal of mexico
version the deleuzian
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