Absolutely, I think we're in agreement on this. All I was insisting upon is that the immigration 'problem' only makes sense as a result of this. With equally rich countries, immigration becomes a peripheral issue, because it is rarely net (to any great degree) in one direction. I see that immigration laws are something that public pressure can have some effect upon (in order to at least make them more humane), but as for pressuring for proper overseas aid for billions of people...how to do that? It would require everyone to change their lives.
Yes yes, but you're collapsing into an 'everything is relative' zone there (or would if you continued along that line of argument). I think it's clear, in 2013, that as 'we' (the West) can provide clean water and food to live to everyone on the planet, 'we' should (or rather, facilitate it happening by giving shitloads of money - obv as above, this won't happen). Same as it's a disgrace (this is not strong enough a word) that in 2013 children in the UK are going hungry because of ideological 'austerity'. The massive problem after this is that the form of hyper-capitalism we have relies upon slavery however. To abolish slavery in the developing world (and here) would only result from a different world. The consumer world we have now is founded on slavery, simple as, as well as the denial of that slavery.
Think we're talking about several different questions at once now (prob my fault).
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/jan/21/i-agree-with-churchill-shirkers-tax I agree with this, pretty much. Except to go further and to say you have to open the whole subject of private property up to debate. It's ideological, not objective - of course, proponents of capitalism will insist to the end that it is objective. But it was ever thus. As to the question, I'm no-one with any power, but you shouldn't be able to have twelve castles. No-one should. There should be a limit on the wealth any one person can have. Hardly radical, but in the current climate it's painted as such. And in terms of rich people buying to let, you could cap the number of houses they'd allowed to do this with, and improve rental laws in favour of the renter.Things can be done on a smaller scale, because unfortunately overturning an entire ideology with which 99 per cent of people are indoctrinated from birth (I certainly was, though thankfully my dad had some 'radical' views too) would take years of mass therapy (which is depressing)
Ah, I meant 'you' as in 'one' (this ambiguity has prob caused more arguments than almost anything else in the English language!). Pretty much agree with all that, just making the point that by shipping ex-council tenants out of London, the Tories are intent on making ghettoes a la France. Only thing I'd say - while mixed families are
a barometer, the sexualisation of race can be one of the most fucked up things ever, so I'd be more interested in mixed friendship groups/community groups (and properly mixed, in class too). Actually, in both cases it depends to what extent racism is admitted as a real entity within the couple/group. Which is to say, the number of cases I've seen where this is not true, and where power dynamics based upon societal racism are played out and totally disavowed, is too high to count.
Are we talking Cowley Road btw (that's the area I know), or further east? Totally agree that a lot of hot air is spoken about how mixed London is. Obv some pockets are, but the amount of segregation in other (most?) areas is off the chart.