
Well-known member
I don't really want to but fuck it man, oona is some careeist flex and i can't endorse someone that pays no mind whatsoever to her constituents. the dopey tart voted for the war and the new 'terror laws'

try and make me change my mind


Well-known member
here's one reason why not-

amid the usual hectoring speech (my attention was wandering somewhat, the sun was shining) at the anti-war rally on saturday he suddenly shouted 'I'M SPARTACUS!' a few times, seemingly expecting everyone to join in. after a couple more attempts he tried 'I'M A SYRIAN! I'M AN IRANIAN!', to no avail. knob jockey.

oh yeah and he's a stalinist and had xmas dinner with tariq aziz and so forth

having said that if i were in bethnal green i'd vote for him


Well-known member
yeah, that's why i don't want to vote for him. however, assuming blair is getting in whatever happens and assuming i want him back with a much reduced majority and assuming the people \i want to lose seats are those who followed him on his most hairbrained adventures, voting for galloway seems like the only sensible option.

i saw oona king the other day campaigning outside tesos on bethnal green road. i didn't harrass her though. she has a friendly facee.


You could vote Lib Dem - they were against the war too.

Plus, they come with the added benefit of not believing that the Gulag was a good idea.


Beast of Burden
Luka Vandross you weasal - you're just annoyed because she took me out last night to watch Hotel Rwanda and then ply me with free wine, while you were at home with nothing to do.


Active member
Rambler said:
You could vote Lib Dem - they were against the war too.

Yeah, until it started.

Galloway's the one for Bethnal Green. Even friends of mine who don't like him are voting for him just to get rid of our current incumbent, the unctious Blairite toady Oona King.


i spoke (argued a bit ) with a rep from the respect party on saturday, she things gorgeous george and the party are on to a winning thing and she says there has been quite a return to grassroots acrtivism in the area.
in my area they are trying to give the management of council flats to private companies which as anyone with any sense knows would obviously be a disaster.


Prodigal Son
Respect - The SWP in loving embrace with the Muslim Brotherhood

Sometimes life is too strange for fiction.


Pearsall said:
Respect - The SWP in loving embrace with the Muslim Brotherhood

Sometimes life is too strange for fiction.

that was my knee jerk half joking reaction but she thought the spread of support was much wider and multi racial.


Well-known member
he can beleive what he likes about gulags, he's not going to get the chance to set up his own one in bethnal green is he. the point is getting rid of oona and giving blair a kick in the teeth.


Well-known member
I honestly think there's something to be said for voting Tory if you really just want to wind up Blair - it might force a rethink on Labour policies, or even not voting at all.

Voting for SWP type ish is a recipe for being ignored - Tony got to the position he's in by studiously ignoring the hard left - why would he change now?


Well-known member
voting tory is never an option, and even less so now. i have some principles, its just they're very loose ones. besides, voting tory in bethnal won't really register.


Trumpet Police
Ms King was in my living room a few weeks ago. I had gone out to dump the rubbish and I came back and there she was, hugging a pile of newsletters and standing in the middle of my living room. I told her that I wasn’t interested in the Labour Party and she left. True story.

Again I won’t be legitimising this whole pantomime with a vote.


I don't know the details of Bethnal Green constituency politics, but if all you want is to register a protest vote against Blair on the war then there are more effective ways of doing that surely than some minority crank.


Well-known member
well no, not really. oona king is likely to lose to galloway but it's going to be very close.


Active member
Rambler said:
I don't know the details of Bethnal Green constituency politics...

Well here are the details: Respect came top of the poll in Tower Hamlets at the 10 June 2004 elections. It has contested two council byelections since then, winning one and beating Labour in the other. It certainly isn't a "minority" party in Bethnal Green. The election here will be a contest between Galloway and King.


Beast of Burden
So basically you want to register a protest vote against Iraq by voting in a party set up simply to provide a protest vote on Iraq by - as Pearsall rightly notes - SWP and Muslim Brotherhood in a Constituency with pretty dire, by UK standards, housing, crime, and drug problems.

Oona King made a cogent and cautious speach during the Iraq vote in support of the war, but more importantly in support of the UN doing its job, to the end of dismantling the Hussein regime and the Hawks around Bush. It was an excellent speach - moderate and detailed. Nevertheless, she voted on principle: you assume she didn't because you want to assume she didn't.

Her position on the Middle East is more honourable than Galloway's - want proof? Read her articles on Israel.

One reason I have a lot of respect for her is the energy she put into setting up the House of Commons All Party Parliamentary Group on Rwanda and Genocide, the success of which means that, among other things, Britain is the largest bilateral donor to Rwanda in the world.

So, there's one.

She got the Government to agree to a large cash injection to improve housing in Tower Hamlets (one advantage in being a "Blair Babe" I guess, you misinformed, patronising bunch of fools). There was the £1.5 million she got to end families using B&Bs. Increased budgets for schools.

Meanwhile, you seem happy to wake up in a Bow and Bethnal Green controlled by George Galloway and his sinister buddies, who don't care about Tower Hamlets except as a means to an end, in effect, a stool on which to stand and shout.

I mean, have you thought this through at all?
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