“Nostalgia goes beyond individual psychology. At first glance, nostalgia is a longing for a place, but actually it is a yearning for a different time - the time of our childhood, the slower rhythms of our dreams. In a broader sense, nostalgia is a rebellion against the modern idea of time, the time of history and progress. The nostalgic desires to obliterate history and turn it into a private or collective mythology, to revisit time like space, refusing to surrender to the irreversibility of time that plagues the human condition.”
“As for time, it is forever shrinking. Oppressed by multitasking and managerial efficiency, we live under a perpetual time pressure. The disease of this millennium will be called chronophobia or speedomania, and its treatment will be embarrassingly old-fashioned. Contemporary nostalgia is not so much about the past as about vanishing the present.”
“This kind of nostalgia characterizes national and nationalist revivals all over the world, which engage in the antimodern myth-making of history by means of a return to national symbols and myths and, occasionally, through swapping conspiracy theories. Restorative nostalgia manifests itself in total reconstructions of monuments of the past, while reflective nostalgia lingers on ruins, the patina of time and history, in the dreams of another place and another time.”
This is good. Matches my experience of the achingly sweet outside time feeling of certain dreams. can tap into that hypnagogic nostalgic bliss when very stoned too. I have a notebook i used in my early 20s and some of the pages are specifically focused on memories that evoke a certain feeling. being very stoned gives access to these memories . and i've written a very long and quite embarrassing list of moments that evoke intense melancholy and nostalgia. its full of things from early childhood that i havent thought about much since, dont exactly carry about with me. but when the feeling is triggered the memories are much more vivid, and allows more information to retrieved