Film - breaking news, gossip, slander, lies etc


Well-known member
i saw a clip of the schrader movie. read lots of worrying stuff about it. i think his time might have passed. still love him though.

stunned at argo winning the best picture oscar though i probably shouldnt be.


Well-known member
The dude who made Primer has got a new film coming out. It debuted at Sundance, and will be playing at the O2 when Sundance comes to London. It's called Upstream Color.


Well-known member
this looks interesting -
THE REP reveals that the passion for a cinematic experience is still alive. The question is, will a greater audience recognize their cultural value before it’s too late?

The film follows the lives of three uber film geeks during the first year of operations of a single-screen repertory cinema. Dubbed ‘The Underground Cinema’ by its gang of misfits, Alex, Charlie and Nigel will stop at nothing to see their theatre succeed. In the face of strong competition from big box theatres, local cinematheques and home video, it’s a constant struggle to stay afloat. Throw in 12-hour workdays, having no semblance of a personal life and all the normal stresses of working day in/day out with the same people… things couldn’t be much more of an uphill battle.

THE REP also takes a broader look at the world of repertory cinema in North America. Currently being devalued by studios, corporate theatres and patrons themselves, movies have become less of an experience and more of an activity. Watching a film is something you just do to pass the time, rather than the event and spectacle they once were. Repertory cinema is an ever-shrinking but ever-passionate world of film lovers trying to keep the experience of cinema alive.

The film features interviews with theatres such as Film Forum in NYC, The Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, The New Beverly Cinema in L.A., The Hollywood Theatre in Portland, The Bijou Art Cinemas in Eugene and Blue Sunshine in Montreal. It also features celebrity commentary from Kevin Smith, John Waters, Atom Egoyan, George A. Romero and many more.


Beast of Burden
Has anybody got a copy of Angus MacKinnon's 'Apocalypse Now' review from NME December 1979, by any chance?


Darned cockwombles.
The Diana film looks like an all-time classic of bad cinema, from the initial reviews. A straight-to-DVD release might have been more fitting.


Well-known member
i have missed the other recent terrible films (john carter, the lone ranger) so this is on my to see list.

i used to like naomi watts - the american version of funny games is underrated, theres also king kong, and obv, mulholland drive.


Well-known member
John Carter was unwatchable.

the trailer for the Robocop remake looks terrible, too.


"Poor Princess Diana," wrote Guardian critic Peter Bradshaw.
"I hesitate to use the term 'car crash cinema'. But the awful truth is that, 16 years after that terrible day in 1997, she has died another awful death."
Oh dear.


Darned cockwombles.
"Poor Princess Diana," wrote Guardian critic Peter Bradshaw.
"I hesitate to use the term 'car crash cinema'. But the awful truth is that, 16 years after that terrible day in 1997, she has died another awful death."

Oh dear.

"As someone who once owned a holiday home in Egypt he should have been aware that revolutions can be bloody, messy and extremely painful but, ignoring the potential collateral damage, he audaciously drove his tanks over scores of sensibilties."

Once is careless, but two seems like a new editorial policy.
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Beast of Burden
My film blog is fully loaded with old stuff now. Please read and enjoy. I have lots of new things I want to write for it once I've sorted out a few domestic arrangements chez Craner.


Well-known member
Saw "Big River Man" last night, was a lot of fun. its "Man on a Wire" but with an overweight psychologically unstable and alcoholic Slovenian. He's swimming down the entire length of the Amazon, filmed and narrated by his son, and seemingly gradually looses his mind, along with his navigator, as the film progresses.


I'm rather looking forward to this. Did anyone hear that thing about how the trailer somehow got accidentally shown prior to a Disney made kids' film? Sounds pretty funny. I find it hard to understand how these accidents happen but I'm glad that they do.


heavy heavy monster sound
John Carter was unwatchable.

John Carter was epic. Not only is it the best, most forgettable, film title ever but it succeeded in being one-man-convinces-an-entire-industry-to-fund-his-lifelong-dream.

In terms of film coups, it's up there with Peter Chesholm getting money to do "Funny Bones" after "Hear my Song".


Well-known member
saw this on the mubi film forum. its vincent gallo on the competition (guessing its just a list of quotes from over the year but its sort of brilliant and terrible) -

“Spike Jonze sucks bad. I’ve known Spike Jonze since he was 11 years old and he’s a rich jew from the upper east side. He’s embarrassing as a BMXer and he’s embarrassing as a skateboarder. He’s the biggest fraud out there. If you bring him to a party he’s the least interesting person at the party, he’s the person who doesn’t know anything. He’s the person who doesn’t say anything funny, interesting, intelligent… He’s a pig piece of shit.”

“The only impact Harmony Korine will have is on the lives of the girls he slipped drugs to, got stoned and raped while they were passed out.”

“Gummo — when I think of all the great films that barely get released, to think of this midget, rich Jew from Nashville coming to New York City pretending he’s Jean-Luc Goddard, and getting to make that piece of crap — wow. You young kids are lost. You don’t have anything better to do with your time? Why don’t you clean your apartments, or at least your bongs.”

“Last year, there was an exhibition of my work at the Agnès B. gallery [in Paris] and a guy comes sniffing me. I pushed him back like I would have any other schmuck coming too close to me. A year after that, he’s President of the Jury at Cannes and he’s fingering Gus [Van Sant]. They’re fingering each other with the dick of that blond guy from Elephant in their mouths… Disgusting.”

“I wouldn’t work for Martin Scorsese for $10 million. He hasn’t made a good film in 25 years. I would never work with an egomaniac has-been.”

“Quentin Tarantino is a collage artist. Period. He may be a clever collage artist, he may be a successful collage artist, in the public’s eye. But he’s a collage artist, and collage, although it does have its own language and sensibility, it never has soul.”

“Wes Anderson wouldn’t know aesthetic if it bopped him in the head. So when he makes a problem to the producers, it’s not even related to his vision in the way you would think. It’s related to some idea he has about himself or his place in history or what he’s seen before that he likes that he wants in his project, too. He saw in somebody’s movie that they used white background with black credits in their title sequence, like I did in Buffalo 66, now he wants it for Rushmore or whatever.”

“Steven Soderbergh sucks. Wes Anderson sucks.”

“Truth or Consequences, N.M., which was hardly directed by Kiefer Sutherland”

“Mark Romanek, that dark, anal photo plagiarist and his useless penis”

“The dreadful thriftshop ad I Shot Andy Warhol, why would anybody put Lili Taylor in a movie? She is so ugly. Ugly is ugly ok, it’s not interesting. It’s ugly, OK? She ugly. Ugly ugly ugly. I don’t like her. Plus she’s an asshole. Nothing worse than an ugly asshole, shouldn’t ugly people at least be nice?”

“Kusturica, is a bloody idiot and an egocentric. (…) What an idiot ! He’s the worst director I’ve ever seen, and I really don’t like his work.”

“Sofia Coppola likes any guy who has what she wants. If she wants to be a photographer she’ll fuck a photographer. If she wants to be a filmmaker, she’ll fuck a filmmaker. She’s a parasite just like her fat, pig father was.”

“Abel Ferrara was on so much crack when I did The Funeral, he was never on set. He was in my room trying to pick-pocket me.”

“Paul ‘I can’t direct but boy, can I brown nose my way to the top’ Anderson”

“Jim Jarmusch doesn’t have soul.”


Darned cockwombles.
I was gonna say, if he could be less boring and deal with his misogyny and need to point out where someone is Jewish, Gallo would be right on a lot of that. Doesn't lay into Wes Anderson enough, though.


Yeah, agreed there on all counts. I asked my friend if he could guess whose quotes they were and he said "i think i got it from the first 'jew'". You start to realise that Gallo isn't joking and doesn't have any bigger points, he's just an anti-semite.
He's right about Kusturica though.