Fuck old people

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
OK, so that's a bit harsh. Of course some old people are great. But.

Some of the worst instances of rudeness, assumed privilege, willfully infantile selfishness and general ASB I've ever encountered have come from the superannuated, so why is it that 'everyone' (the popular press, received opinion...) thinks coffin-dodgers deserve unqualified respect at all times, or constitute some sort of bastion of decency in contrast to 'kids these days'?

Particularly egregious example this morning...fucking obnoxious old cunt thinks the world's his bitch because he's had a knee operation. I hope your leg falls off.


Darned cockwombles.
I'd assumed that this was on a slightly different subject from the thread title.

Age does make some/a lot of people even worse.The ossification of opinions is particularly annoying


Well-known member
yeah, my initial reaction to reading the thread title was "umm, do i have to?"

i know some oldies who aren't necessarily nasty but believe no one pays attention to them or cares what they think anymore, so when they corner someone and have the opportunity to talk, they milk it for all it's worth and prattle on and on, usually in the form of a complaint. it's like the weirdos on the subway: make eye contact and you're dead.

i'll probably be cranky too when (if!) i get to the age where i can't get out much, can't drive, can't stay awake, possibly crap myself, etc.


Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Oh I don't care about old people who talk to (or at) you about whatever, as long as they're not spewing racist drivel - many of them have had genuinely interesting lives and can be a pleasure to talk to, even if they go on a bit. I'm talking about actual malicious cuntery coupled with an assumption of moral authority over anyone under the age of 40.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
300,000th post HERE I COME! \m/_ :mad: _\m/

(sorry, off-topic but it had to be done)
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Darned cockwombles.

if this is the video i'm thinking of (can't listen at work), then this guy is a great example of how senility often only sets in once you stop thinking about things, and how it's quite possible to be really old and still very lucid.


Well-known member
You get off light.

When I was a kid, the old people moaning at you had all either been part of, or at least endured the deprivations of, WWII. People really did say 'I didn't fight in the war for you to [insert act of moral depravity here].' There's not a hip op in the world that can bestow the same level of assumed moral superiority as 6 years of fighting Hitler.

Yes, this has been a cranky old person's post about how they don't make cranky old people like they used to.


i was accused of nicking a children's happymeal from morrison's cafe by an old lady today, repeatedly
i don't think i'd like to fuck her though


Darned cockwombles.
You get off light.

When I was a kid, the old people moaning at you had all either been part of, or at least endured the deprivations of, WWII. People really did say 'I didn't fight in the war for you to [insert act of moral depravity here].' There's not a hip op in the world that can bestow the same level of assumed moral superiority as 6 years of fighting Hitler.

Yes, this has been a cranky old person's post about how they don't make cranky old people like they used to.

On the other hand, it must've been easier to win petty arguments against old people from Austria.