When this thread began it meant nothing to me cos I'd never heard of Ibogaine. But now, the thread has reared its ugly head again and I know what that stuff is - at least I think I do. I'm pretty sure my friend had this as a thing to help him come off heroin - does that sound right? No-one has mentioned that use here but I'm pretty sure that that is what he had; he is kinda famous cos he's in a successful band and they wanted him straight and either the label or the manager or some rich and famous guy (last time he went to rehab it was paid for by a very very famous guy called Sean with a surname that sounds a bit like lemon) associated with the band paid for him to go to Mexico or somesuch and take Ibogaine and spend a couple of days in some retreat as a quick way to come off the smack.
My understanding is that it worked pretty well, he was clean for a while - then, admittedly, not clean, then clean again - but the point is that in the immediate short term it allowed him to come off the gear without any withdrawal effects (or perhaps it would be fairer to say relatively minor withdrawals for someone who had such a huge habit and then simply stopped) but, in a kind of psychic exchange, he had to spend a day or two tripping out. I seem to remember him saying that the trip was a very introspective one that made him think back over his whole life and kind of evaluate it. At the time I saw him loading up loads and loads of pictures of his childhood and teenage years to facebook, I didn't know then what was going on but speaking to him later when he told me about the whole rehab thing I realised that those pictures were obviously the outward manifestation of the lingering stages of the trip once he'd been allowed out of rehab and back on the internet.
My understanding is that it worked pretty well, he was clean for a while - then, admittedly, not clean, then clean again - but the point is that in the immediate short term it allowed him to come off the gear without any withdrawal effects (or perhaps it would be fairer to say relatively minor withdrawals for someone who had such a huge habit and then simply stopped) but, in a kind of psychic exchange, he had to spend a day or two tripping out. I seem to remember him saying that the trip was a very introspective one that made him think back over his whole life and kind of evaluate it. At the time I saw him loading up loads and loads of pictures of his childhood and teenage years to facebook, I didn't know then what was going on but speaking to him later when he told me about the whole rehab thing I realised that those pictures were obviously the outward manifestation of the lingering stages of the trip once he'd been allowed out of rehab and back on the internet.