
I believe that Trump gives evidence in the civil trial in NY today. I'm not quite sure why he's doing that, his lawyers tend to keep him off the stand wherever possible as - being an idiot and compulsive liar -he's almost certain to incriminate himself in something or other, and even more likely to perjure himself. In fact you'd think that his legal risk from doing this is greater than any harm threatened by the trial itself, which is after all, a civil one. It would be ironic if he took the stand to defend himself from civil charges and ended up going to jail for perjury... anyway, sadly it's not going to be televised but we'll get a report later today I'm sure...

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
In fact you'd think that his legal risk from doing this is greater than any harm threatened by the trial itself, which is after all, a civil one. It would be ironic if he took the stand to defend himself from civil charges and ended up going to jail for perjury... anyway, sadly it's not going to be televised but we'll get a report later today I'm sure...

Interesting point here - so it's still a criminal offence to lie while under oath in a civil trial?


I think it is, or at least can be... maybe it depends on the scale of the lie or how many lies are told or something. I don't think perjury in a criminal trial is always straight to jail... though could be wrong there too.

Anyone who knows more than me (ie anything on the subject really) care to share their wisdom?


Being reported as the highlight so far (and it is going to take some beating)

NY attorney: Did you get copies of statements in 2021?

Donald Trump: I was so busy in the White House with China, Russia, and keeping the country...

NY attorney: You were not the President in 2021.


His following claim runs it close though, albeit in a different way.

In August I was in Aberdeen on the way to Orkney, I only spent a few hours there and did manage to locate a decent full-English or Scottish whatever breakfast fry up.

Other than that though, I learned that it is known as The Granite City and I also learned why. It is by FAR the greyest place I've ever seen. Most of the time the skies are also pretty grey, there tends to be either heavy, dramatic rain, or else, light and soggy rain slowly soaking through to your soul - so on an average day Aberdeen's appearance is best described as a grey murk in which lurk soft grey forms that on approach emerge from the grey gloom and solidify into quotidian grey lumps.

Occasionally however the sun breaks through the clouds and then suddenly, you REALLY see the unrelenting, brutal greyness of the place, hemming you in on all sides, stretching greyly in all directions and weighing you down from above as though you are drowning in concrete that fills your ears and mouth and nose with the taste of grey - and somehow the sun reflects from the grey walls, filling your eyes too with infinite grey grey grey...

Or perhaps I'm being reductive in my description of the place. There are no doubt bits I haven't seen - in fact there is some peculiar tourist village somehow inside the town which should be worth a look - and I haven't experienced the nightlife, nor have I ventured into the local countryside. So, maybe what I've just described is only half the story. Even so, I find it hard to believe that Aberdeen is an extremely affluent place, so desirable that property there appreciates in value by hundreds of millions of pounds each year... or at least, I would find it hard to believe if I hadn't been assured of it by such a reliable authority as Donald Trump.

Prosecutors asked why the value of Trump’s Aberdeen property increased by $245m between 2013 and 2014 when Trump appeared to have done little to the property. “Aberdeen is a very rich place. It’s an incredible piece of land, and it may be the greatest golf course ever built,” said Trump.


Kayleigh McEnany has complained about the court room sketch. I dunno why as I'd say it flatters him in not making him obese and playing down his orangitis. In fact to me it reminds me of some medieval martyr or maybe supplicant with those hand gestures.



I would have thought Trump would be happy to be depicted as a martyr as I'm sure it is how he sees himself in relation to current events. Presumably he'd like to see DA James depicted as witchfinder general.


I dunno about witch hunts but with Trump about you need to hunt for the truth, or, try saying this quickly it's a Fat Cunt Fact Hunt.


Well, he's going to win next year, so.... make your peace with that.
Coming from the same oracle that told us Hunter's laptop was gonna sink Biden and who was also the very first person to draw my attention to the entirely credible claims of Sydney Powell I will obviously treat this prediction with the seriousness it deserves.

Thing is right, you may well be correct, but after being so spectacularly wrong before maybe you should at least qualify the predictions instead of again intoning them with the ironclad certainty of the properly unhinged. It just makes you look like one of those end of the world type people saying "It will definitely happen this time".


Anyhow, Trump's lawyers have applied for a mistrial in the NY fraud trial thing. Now I gotta say that it does seem unfair that when they complain about the judge's bias and ask for it to be ruled a mistrial as a result, the person who decides on that is the very same judge. Surely there ought to be a separate judge you can ask to rule on your actual judge's conduct...? Well, whatever, it doesn't seem fair to me and it has no chance of happening, as they well know, I think though that they may later appeal to a higher court and the fact that they have applied for a mistrial at this stage might be something they can bring up at that point.

It's really weird to go on twitter and see all these Trumpletons saying to the DA "you have no case" even though it's common knowledge that she has indeed already won the case. There are lots of Trumpoids also saying "But Mar-a-Largo is worth more than 18 million" completely unaware of what's going on, ie there is the price he claimed for tax, the price he claimed for borrowing, there is the value according to an assessor and the market value - and the market value is not what's being discussed here. I never know how many of the people making that argument are just making it in bad faith and how many are simply too dumb to get it and genuinely think that James has won the case by claiming that MAL has market value of 18m and the judge has believed her. I guess if you are that stupid then it does look like bias. But if you follow it with one eye it's also absolutely clear that they put different values for things, lied about the sizes and so on and the Trump's original defence boiled down to asking the judge to somehow not see what was written on the documents - since then they've really not even been defending the documents themselves but simply scrambling to distance the fraud from them as individuals. Problem is that they have been caught in so many lies in the build up the judge is quite reasonably assuming most of what they say now is a lie whenever it is credibly challenged. It's just really difficult to see what grounds they can have for claiming that there wasn't massive fraud. I suppose that they can say that the punishment is too harsh - and the punishment suggested already does sound very harsh. Obviously I've no idea whether it's in line with what happened to other similar fraudsters.


Ooh, and speaking of laptops, you guys will no doubt be pleased to know that I got my laptop fixed for the first time in months and I will no longer be restricted to writing such teeny weeny little replies on dissensus that barely give me room to make the simplest points and have no space for the nuance and such that I would like to get across.


Ooh, and speaking of laptops, you guys will no doubt be pleased to know that I got my laptop fixed for the first time in months and I will no longer be restricted to writing such teeny weeny little replies on dissensus that barely give me room to make the simplest points and have no space for the nuance and such that I would like to get across.
Server upgrade required.


Thing is though, after 2020 you had loads of bereft Trumpers going "how did Biden win, his rallies were much smaller?" and I think that this time round it could easily be "but no-one asked me to impersonate Biden while I was giving them a damn good seeing to, how come he won?". And it's cos the election is not decided by who has the bigger rally, nor is it at present decided by who people ask you to impersonate while you're nailing them - though I think we can all agree that it is a system we should consider adopting for future elections.