
Can turn naughty
why do you want psychedelics to remain pure so much?

Acid is also a great psychedelic. Idk if you could class that as natural even though it comes from ergot. But I'm talking about shrooms which are just fine and have been just fine for millions of people for millenia. Science trying to improve nature always feels like another step towards the dystopias we've been warned about in sci fi for as long as it's existed. When they get into the wrong hands etc.

don't tell me you judge people who have imbibed fifferently to those who have? Also how is it playing God when intoxication for the sake of intoxication is discouraged in most religions?

But that's just it. Psychs are not just for the sake of intoxication. Not in my book, at least.

Anyway, I'm off to listen to a lecture from noted fascist Terrence McKenna.


pass the sick bucket
Acid is also a great psychedelic. Idk if you could class that as natural even though it comes from ergot. But I'm talking about shrooms which are just fine and have been just fine for millions of people for millenia. Science trying to improve nature always feels like another step towards the dystopias we've been warned about in sci fi for as long as it's existed. When they get into the wrong hands etc.

this kind of irrationally paranoiac attitude makes a far greater case for teetotalism than I ever could. Because it is irrational, capitalist society has been subject to violent crises since its genesis a good 400 years ago.

And no, Mckenna was just an obnoxious windbag. Hate to say it but Mussolini actually had brains compared to him.


Can turn naughty
this kind of paranoiac attitude makes a far greater case for teetotalism than I ever could.

Right. Because big pharma are all about the people.

And no, Mckenna was just an obnoxious windbag. Hate to say it but Mussolini actually had brains compared to him.

Nah, he was a fun fella who would probably have been a laugh to hang out with. Whether he was 'right' all the time is neither here nor there. One thing to note with Tezza is he didn't take himself too seriously.



pass the sick bucket
But that's just it. Psychs are not just for the sake of intoxication. Not in my book, at least.

Sorry dawg but the way you consume psychedelics for short cuts to mystical knowledge is peak intoxication.

Their medicinal use is far more anti-intoxicant, so you end up bigging up the guy you intend to lambaste.


pass the sick bucket
Right. Because big pharma are all about the people.

The fact that you use the term big pharma like some david icke conspiracy theory is revealing. again, making a case for radical sobriety.

Also 'the people' does not exist, so I can't have this debate until you're more exact with what you mean by this concept.


pass the sick bucket
but, to make a very general point, apocalyptic dystopic thinking has been a cornerstone of human history for millennia (in fact it's how christianity started.) Don't think you're plugged into sources which the sheeple are too blind to see.


pass the sick bucket
if you guys are actually serious of trying to make a case for the knowledge that gnostic experiences facilitated by psychedelics can provide might i recommend the non-psychedelic roots for getting there and understanding what you're doing.



cat malogen
if you guys are actually serious of trying to make a case for the knowledge that gnostic experiences facilitated by psychedelics can provide might i recommend the non-psychedelic roots for getting there and understanding what you're doing.

you privilege yourself as the arbiter though, not aware that some of us have actualised similar processes through other means decades ago - sleep deprivation, chronic fatigue, acute prolonged stress

you don’t need a mystical framework for any of the above, why do you think actual torture programs utilise them


Can turn naughty
Sorry dawg but the way you consume psychedelics for short cuts to mystical knowledge is peak intoxication.

More projecting. You've no clue what way I do anything, just your own weird deranged cat on heat take on everything due to your furious fountain of blatantly pent up sexual frustration which you try to mask with these ridiculous torrents of barely coherent data.

Their medicinal use is far more anti-intoxicant, so you end up bigging up the guy you intend to lambaste.

Not exclusively. Just because Wasson got it wrong (@Mr. Tea) doesn't mean other ancient cultures were not also using it for the exact purposes he wrote about.

The fact that you use the term big pharma like some david icke conspiracy theory is revealing. again, making a case for radical sobriety.

Ah yes. Because big pharma doesn't exist outside of the minds of conspiracy theorists.

Also 'the people' does not exist, so I can't have this debate until you're more exact with what you mean by this concept.

Don't be such a tit.