After crappy 2018 one would think it can only get better!
Yes, a deluge of goodies from that corner going on. However I wouldn't call it "Revival". It's a case of keeping an establishes Genre/form of music alive and get - relatively speaking - youngsters into the sound. Some guys in this game have actually kept going for more than 2 deaceds now. that's what I call dedication.even been listening to more revival jungle than ever recently. gonna not expect the next big thing this year. just ride the groove. take invantory of what we've got.
Happy New Year to all. Maybe don't read any news and disconnect yourself from the internet in 2019, and it'll be OK.
Obviously 'us' Brits are somewhat ambivalent about the year ahead
😂😂😂with trump still in charge, that's not likely. in fact, it wouldn't surprise me if 2019 marks the beginning of the end of NATO and the EU as we've known them.
and on that sunny note...happy new year!
That's one thing I would quite literally not have the balls to do so I admire anyone that can.Had a great night, I took all my clothes off at 2am and danced naked in front of the fire. One mishap is that I then wet the bed but all sorted now