
Beast of Burden
it's sad but he won't elaborate on this. i've asked him before and he point blank refuses. it would be interesting to hear the extended directors cut of this opinion.

It just feels like a pointless thing to argue about. Like debating the merits of a hole in the ground.


Well-known member
as i said earlier today one of the interesting things about Kubirck is that he could very easily be understood as a bad artist. it's something the films invite. and it may well be that the interesting and idiosyncratic aesthetic effects are generated by the failure of his art.


Well-known member
and it would be helpful, i think, for the aesthetically unsophisitcated people of the board, ie, everyone except me and you, if you were to explain why you think the films fail.


Well-known member
as a definitive, final statement of your position and not as an invitation to interminable and profitless debate.
I thought you agreed with me that most artists haven’t a clue about the most valuable aspects of their art


Well-known member
the lack of aesthetic, moral, intellectual and emotional sophistication which craner correctly identifies contribiutes to the unique effects he captures.


Well-known member
he's is basically a moron. very, very low intelligence. very mechanical mind. a simpleton.


Well-known member
this myth of Kubrick the genius which contributes so much to our experience and interpretation of the films is comprehensively exploded by every interview he ever gave. but we won't give up the myth. because the myth animates the films.


Well-known member
I want to say Beckett, but I dunno that I'd know what I meant if I did. It's just a gut feeling.


Well-known member
I still don't quite understand what he's doing tbh. I just know something happened when i read Molloy.


Well-known member
I think Burial knew exactly what was valuable about his music. I've never seen anyone talk about what they're doing with the kind of clarity he did. That interview with Mark in The Wire was insane. He even brought up the motion tracker from Aliens.


Well-known member
I think Burial knew exactly what was valuable about his music. I've never seen anyone talk about what they're doing with the kind of clarity he did. That interview with Mark in The Wire was insane. He even brought up the motion tracker from Aliens.

you didnt know Mark was Burial? i thought everyone knew