For me when I'm really honest with myself and take in everything I've chosen to use as a guide and or barometer of where we're at, which would mostly be the writings of people like Chris hedges, Dfw, John pilger, John Taylor gatto, chomsky, zizek and films by Adam Curtis etc. Not to mention my own experiences as a living human. Its basically game over for the good guys on planet earth. Life as we once knew it isn't coming back. This is my most honest opinion. And it's not that I actually want destruction, this is just me having taken in what I believe to be the most rational and honest information I could find and realising what i think many people who decide to dig in have realised. A lot of them have taken their own lives because I think they see things the same way I see them. Dfw, Mark f, hunter Thompson etc. Imo this is why they did what they did. They saw things for what they really are. The train has run away and is well off the tracks by now. All of these people deep down wanted good for society, so much in fact, that realising the truth as they fought so hard to do, broke them when time after time they were faced with the bare facts of human nature. All imo. But I don't see their choice as the only option. I think it's worth sticking around to see what happens. You never know. Even though the vast majority of people are so well managed by the powers that be, so many of the conspiracies are starting to be proven true, and the police are appropriately militarised now to deal with whatever revolt may happen once the people inevitably have had enough, only giving those in power more excuses to take away the final scraps of dignity and freedom we are all clinging onto, and I believe this is the root of most attention paying peoples fear right now, more so than any of your brexit, trumps or Isis'. It feels like the only way things are going to change is by whatever this stage we're at running its course, which will no doubt get much darker than things already are, but maybe this will have a cleansing effect in the long run. This is the bit of hope I'm holding onto. Because rationally, I don't see any change happening as things stand the way they are now. We had clear chances in the last few years with albeit flawed options, but let's be honest with ourselves, bernie and corbyn were a glimmer of possibility of moving in the right direction, and yet the powers that be managed to sabotage all of that beautifully. Things like this are what make me give up on the idea/chance of change through civilized/conventional ways. I feel like most of the people who still believe in the greater good prevailing in the end are almost on the level of organised religious idealists waiting for their saviour to come back and make everything better. Hoodwinked into thinking it wasn't them all along who was supposed to be their own saviour and take matters into their own hands. But this has been the game probably for longer than we have records for. The powers that be misdirecting our attentions from what's right under our noses.