What Is Your Current Vibrational Frequency?


Well-known member
High vibrational frequency means in tune with the cosmos pulsating in time with universal rhythm. Low frequency means in the upside down realm of the quilpoth. Cut off from the seven Rays. Isolated and alone, a mere individual. Third eye calcified. Fucked.


Well-known member
When's the last time it was high? Can you remember? Last time for me was probably around New Years. Not been a cosmic year this year for me.
Mine's gone orthogonal. Fully.
Twisting arse to shit straight.

Also, it's gone sawtoothed.
Smoothing's all fucked!
Presents as jagged piercing of the mesentery.

Worse still, being-soliton pays no heed to x-axis, affecting son's son and so on.
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in je ogen waait de wind
mine is good. sunrise and sunset times are perfect at the moment. caught a full moon last night. lots of buzzing birds and insects around. warm days followed by thunderstorms in the evening. waking up and falling asleep without alarm. i'm feeling energetic.


mine's excellent - i honed it all last week in africa, now back to london - jupiter and the moon in conjunction, couldn't be better
don't ask me again next week


Well-known member
Glad to hear it boys. Being competitive this will help me raise my own level. I agree the moon looked good last night. Didn't know about the Jupiter thing.


Can turn naughty
Anyone else have trouble sleeping on full moons? I couldn't get to sleep til late last night and it crossed my mind that it might be one but didn't check and then I just read yyaldrin's post.

Vibrational freq: modulating between low (bed reality) and occasional high mids. Pretty smooth curves on the chart though.


Well-known member
I couldn't sleep at all last night but didn't think to connect it to the moon. Let's keep a track of this and see if there's anything in it.


Well-known member
Went to a dance Saturday night, so a bit tired. Other than that trying to juggle competing demands of long term projects, domestic duties and upcoming shitstorms of study & work, maintaining my usual one-week-behind everything benchmark.

I got to climb the hill in May with Padraig, so that helped clear the air. Looking forward to the main event which should temporarily boost me to the higher reaches before I plummet back down to the depths.


bandz ahoy
Low - I'm back at work

Everytime I smoke a joint I get a big vibrational injection

There are downsides though