The Surface


Well-known member
Space which can be moved through but not interacted it. Space which repels. Wards off. Refuses engagement.


Well-known member
the popularity of anime.

dragon ball z is far more flat than even the old loony toons.

all the drill fellas loving samurai jack.


Well-known member
Yeah, in a way. Like if there’s a sculpture in a space, you can walk around it and certain perspectives will only allow you to experience so much of it. But there could be shadows or light or dealing with a particular obfuscated bit of a sculpture from one angle you want to explore from the other side. The things I find interesting about experiencing an object in space, I wanted to feel compositionally...

Or showing them in different perspectives. Simple, gestural things about acute moments that make them feel like an object instead of a musical convention.


Well-known member
That thing yyaldrin posted the other day about the Instagram "influencer" taking fashion shots of her apparent motorcycle accident feels very much a part of this. You take this horrific incident and apply the veneer to it, suck everything out of it until all you're left with is the image.


dj internet visions - naptime hologram [series]; DIPSET TRANCE PARTY; xzibit screwed by pat maher, the words "GLASS AND METAL IN EVERY DIRECTION" spiral outwards, hypothetically forever... "innocent bystanders learn a very hard lesson. i'm the reason there's NO TIME to reach for that weapon-"


Well-known member
"Today what we are experiencing is the absorption of all virtual modes of expression into that of advertising. Advertising effaces any support and any depth, signifying a reabsorption of everything into the surface and plunges us into this stupified, hyperreal euphoria that we could not exchange for anything else.”

Corpsey, from the culture as advertising thread


Well-known member
Lots of good threads open at the moment but we've only nibbled at them so far. Not really got anything by the scruff of the neck


bandz ahoy

How would you explain this in terms of the surface?

Is it too "deep" with layers to be representative of surface? And is that because times have changed?

It's very textural, there's not much melody to it. A dissonant harmony. Things oscillating, shifting in and out of the light or space. Ah I see I've cracked it for myself - it's very spatial. Ideal for music about landscape.


bandz ahoy
I'm thinking about surface today as I'm reading a book about Lucien Freud which is mostly just reproductions. The surface is layed on thickly, brought into vivid being, beyond everyday seeing. And yet the emotions such a multifaceted surface can create aren't simple but are powerful.