I went back at 30 years old after deciding acid house was far more fun and too good to ignore the first time around. Glad I did because, on the whole, the tutors were superb mentors (barring a few septic cunts). They opened up maps, mythology and sites in a way I don’t think is entirely possible through reading. Dozens of field trips to Ireland. Spent 3months at the Hill of Tara and Dublin wading through academic, literary and poetic interpretations of what the ancients were up to. Bliss.
However, when it came to doctoral research the wheels truly came off. Too many funding jokes, but a genius supervisor (rip JD) meant a conflict of interest ruptured and I had to politely bail. Got into psychology after a life changing event around this rupture. Looking to advance that in 2021 via music therapy. Addiction work during Covid has been too heart breaking to continue and stay sane. Seeing drug reform elsewhere in the world and now in the iron prison of the US, you’d think common sense could prevail in Britain.....except naaah. Just look at the hiv rates in Glasgow and death rates in Scotland, with England not far behind. Scandalous. The unspoken health crisis.