William Blake.


Well-known member
Guts are very different, bacteria depend on what you eat your genes etc. Your gut is basically a fingerprint
yeah i thought this as i wrote it, that diet will influence something like the guts alot. but i mean that if you cut our heads off, we are a lot more similar no? like forget the guts for a moment. obviously different people will have different ailments and so on, but once you remove the central nervous system, the anatomy "below the line", it's all more similar than above, no?



Well-known member
i hate ideas i hate anything clever. really hate it. im viruently anti intellectual

The funny thing is the anti-intellectual position is taken up from the position of being an intellectual connoisseur.

Is this like William blake and urizen? "intellectualism" as reason, the bounded circle and compasses?


The failure to see the bigger picture? But the two things (intellectualism/anti-intellectual ism) are intimately connected.


Well-known member
not read this but maybe someone would be willing to



Well-known member
I saw a mid 90s interview with Jim Jarmusch talking about Dead Man (best film) which revolves a lot around william blake, and he mentions that "a lot of the young rave kids in england are really interested in blake"

Was this true? hardcore ravers and junglists were into william blake?


Well-known member
there's always been something there with people covering "jerusalem" it's an anthem and certainly there are 2 very notable dub/post-punk covers, by iconic bands.

but it was the generation before rave and jungle and i've not heard any jungle/rave references.


Well-known member
Look at the verse and the images while your tripping and they have a very ferocious aura so you only need to glance at it to get a very intense contact high


Well-known member
it's true there's a connection between eg fantazia flyer art and blake - colours, bold shapes, figurative but with the burning circles, couple of simple persepctive levels etc



cat malogen
yeah i thought this as i wrote it, that diet will influence something like the guts alot. but i mean that if you cut our heads off, we are a lot more similar no? like forget the guts for a moment. obviously different people will have different ailments and so on, but once you remove the central nervous system, the anatomy "below the line", it's all more similar than above, no?


Cerith Wyn Evans (collaborator with Psychic TV for video) did a neon version about 20 years ago


not sure if cushions were part of it or not


Well-known member
i really love that image - it's got everything right about it:

- feels drawn quick
- but nonetheless meticulous and perfectly anatomically correct
-the x-ray thing with the body
-the attention paid to the feet