I was just thinking how that colour (or is the word I want here "shade" technically?) was so beautiful, it feels universally undeniable to the extent that anyone seeing it would be compelled to pause for a second and just stare it and feel good. Not even in the same way as decorative art or anything of the kind although on the surface it does feel similar, but I think I mean something more fundamental, to me it seems to be for colours what the golden ratio is for, er, ratios in that it it's just unequivocally pleasing to the eye (although there are no doubt many other colours or shades of which that is equally true whereas the ratio is supposedly unique so the analogy breaks down almost immediately)... and then you described it as like a red leicester. I feel you demeaned it a little.
Where was it taken anyway
@sufi ? On seeing it one wants to be there... not in the pic though that wouldn't be enough to scratch the itch, it's really the colour itself that entices and inside which one wants to be.