The immediate context here is, as I say, poetix and his fussing over the magical, the mystical, the occult, the intuitive, the imaginal, the message from beyond, spirits, fairies, elves of hills, brooks, standing lakes and groves, goddesses with pale ankles, demons, daimons, Wizards, warlocks, spooks and holy ghosts.
He believes in something he calls 'the rationalist.' It's a a kind of robot that is incapable of mistakes.
He's always been a bit like that but it's been at the forefront of his mind recently because Josef K, with tentative support from Nina Power, has been summoning the ancient spirits of evil, from the dusty, old grimoires of Evola and the traditionalists.
So the fear is that anything which does not submit to the strictures of the infallible robot is liable to end up as josef k.
I think, I think, the robot is presumed to be innately left wing, although right wing 'rationalists' would beg to differ.
You'd think they could settle their disputes rationally but for some reason that doesn't seem to be possible.
Another friend of mine, znore, who writes the grapejuice blog, is concerned with making an argument for a left irrationality, leaning heavily on Blake and Finegans Wake. Because, like me, and this is how we became friends, he likes drugs and poetry and messages from beyond and disincarnate intelligences and mythological systems and etc and doesn't see any reason why the nazis should get them all to themselves.
He's very aware of the problem, more so than most, because about 90% of the circle of bloggers he was initially involved with turned into nazis during this recent ideological upheaval (which is so huge, and has transformed the landscape so utterly I can't think of a precedent for it in my lifetime) He wrote a piece I like on the frog god Kek and the birth of the alt right.
So the danger is real, real enough, for whatever reason, but it may be that the answer is to map the territory better, with the dangers signposted, rather than declaring it forbidden ground and surrendering it to the enemy.
My strong belief is that the nazism is a retreat from the territory proper, or it corresponds to a reterritorialisation. Seeking safety in a renewed drawing of boundaries, a rigidified, defined self, etc etc etc. It's fear in the face of the nameless ones, the oozing morass, the void, the howling abyss.... It's not a feature of that place, rather it is a common reaction to being exposed to it.
That's the context I had in mind, ( & deliberately tugging poetix pigtails in the hope of making him squeal in indignation.)