

Well-known member
I noticed craners Twitter is 90% links to something called quillette magazine.
What is this? Should I be concerned?


Well-known member
Fiercely groomed women with big hair, big sparkly earrings, black turtle necks and fitted tweed blazers.... I'm starting to see why he likes this site...


Well-known member
BO WINEGARD – Contributing Writer
Bo Winegard
I’m an assistant professor at Marietta College in Ohio. I was born in a small Midwestern town and owe my career to Jim Morrison, the late singer for The Doors. From the mercurial and mysterious singer, I learned of Nietzsche. I didn’t understand him at first, but admired his scintillating prose and insightful observations.

After many years of study, I decided upon a career in psychology, a discipline that allows for eclectic and synthetic thinking.


Well-known member
No need to get defensive! I was just wondering what quillette is and what drew you to it. Intellectual curiosity that's all. I'm a glutton for knowledge.


Well-known member
How would you describe their operation? Im fascinated. Im not saying they're your friends


Beast of Burden
They see themselves as staking out a non-aligned, beyond Left and Right position, I guess. I don't read it that much, but I check out Jamie Palmer's essays, I like his writing.


Beast of Burden
I detect iconoclastic libertarianism in their DNA. They could be accused of being a high-brow Spiked, although I think that would be unfair, as they are not cultish attention-seekers and don't exactly produce click bait.


Beast of Burden
I don't mind the styling. As you note, I endorse fiercely-groomed intellectual women.


Well-known member
The intellectual positions are a red herring largely. That would be my guess


Beast of Burden
To a degree, I suppose. All of these things involve self-fashioning and projecting an image, even the crusty Corbyn Trot army that terrifies Danny and absolutely 100% the Novara Media crew.