
Well-known member
also something that has gotten really big lately: neighbourhood watch whatsapp groups where neighbors inform each other when they notice something "unusual". and the omnipresence of "smart" doorbells such as the "ring doorbell" (owned by amazon of course) that works together with local law enforcement.

City of Quartz was prescient. The gated community as a model for the future. Seceding from society + the shrinking of the state.
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Well-known member
i feel increasingly intimidated by so called "scandinavian" fashion and design. neutral colours, lot's of grey and beige tones. clean, neat, minimal. emphasizes on rectangular shapes. a touch of steel or iron. even kebab places are starting to look like this.

It's interesting this isn't it? Because the opposite is also oppressive. Primary colours. Extroverted. Compulsory fun. Brash! Bubbly personality!


Well-known member
You extrapolate from both to form a kind of gestalt, of feeling-tone, mood, sense of propriety, of what is permissible in that space, of what that space EXPECTS OF YOU


Can turn naughty
i feel increasingly intimidated by so called "scandinavian" fashion and design. neutral colours, lot's of grey and beige tones. clean, neat, minimal. emphasizes on rectangular shapes. a touch of steel or iron. even kebab places are starting to look like this.

Feeling this post. It's like Soviet Nouveau.

vershy versh

Well-known member
This stuff frightens me to death. It seems so blindingly obvious too. It's like when people dismissed as paranoia claims that all phone and internet traffic was likely being monitored then all the Snowden stuff came out proving exactly that. I can't get my head around how you couldn't think that was the case. The complete and utter lack of curiosity and scepticism is absolutely mind boggling to me.


Can turn naughty
There's already soooo much skullduggery on record and yet so many people have that instant reaction to anything resembling a conspiracy. 'Our government would never do that to its own people.' The same tin foil hat lines get said to shut it down and we go on with our lives silenced, bottling it all up, when it's right there in front of us. And I really have to wonder how secure in their beliefs those people are, as opposed to really just being scared and wanting to shut it out. Which would be understandable.


Well-known member
This stuff frightens me to death. It seems so blindingly obvious too. It's like when people dismissed as paranoia claims that all phone and internet traffic was likely being monitored then all the Snowden stuff came out proving exactly that. I can't get my head around how you couldn't think that was the case. The complete and utter lack of curiosity and scepticism is absolutely mind boggling to me.

And every single time 'common sense opinion' moves from oh don't be ridiculous that could never happen to well of course they do that, everybody knew
WITHOUT MISSING A BEAT. There's a complete erasure of their past position. It's so sinister.


Well-known member
I mean, assuming version isn't just talking Scandinavian trends in interior decorating that is.

john eden

male pale and stale
John Eden said there are only two possible futures-

1. Facism

2. Authoritarian Capitalism

I've said I think authoritarianism is being rolled into place in anticipation of the effects of global warming before.

So, what will it look like, this bright future of ours? Look into your crystal ball. Prognosticate.

For the record I didn’t say that, lol.

john eden

male pale and stale
There is another better future that we must nurture through this harsh winter like a delicate houseplant or small creature.


Well-known member
There's already soooo much skullduggery on record and yet so many people have that instant reaction to anything resembling a conspiracy. 'Our government would never do that to its own people.'..

our main sense of hope is that government -- here in the states, anyway -- is in general so bureaucratic and incompetent that they aren't particularly effective at pulling off a lot of this stuff.


Can turn naughty
our main sense of hope is that government -- here in the states, anyway -- is in general so bureaucratic and incompetent that they aren't particularly effective at pulling off a lot of this stuff.

They managed it in so many other places though

john eden

male pale and stale
Thanks John. I feel less defensive now. (I thought you did say that though?)

Well a new incarnation of capitalism (which will be worse for many) is the most likely option. Or failing that fascism.

But “most likely” is not ruling out other stuff happening... and we live in increasingly unpredictable times.

john eden

male pale and stale
how do you see it differing from what we have now?

If I knew that I’d be off investing in it, Leo!

One possibility is an automated/AI driven dystopia where a minimal universal basic income replaces jobs and allows a docile underclass to fight over getting one of a tiny number of jobs servicing the billionaire elite.

Add catastrophic climate change to that as well, with the wealthy holed up in their New Zealand high security bubble complexes.

john eden

male pale and stale
I will say though that things can get more authoritarian under neoliberalism (especially outside of Western Europe as Danny has pointed out). You don’t need a new phase of capitalism to do that.

vershy versh

Well-known member
I see the future as essentially the setting of Soylent Green:

In the year 2022, the cumulative effects of overpopulation, pollution and some apparent climate catastrophe has caused severe worldwide shortages of food, water and housing. There are 40 million people in New York City alone, where only the city's elite can afford spacious apartments, clean water and natural food, and even then at horrendously high prices.
