
Well-known member
no, i'm not promoting an essex club night.

me and luke were once on small doses of mdma, and we were really hungering for this kind of stuff but neither of us new any of it.

we said that we were going to ask you lot. the time has come.

nice lush, sunny, sensual, sexy deep house and garage. organs and vocals.

these are the closest i can think of it, luke had some others he can post:



Well-known member
It's the warmth largely isn't it? It's the only time I can really connect with this stuff.


Well-known member
Was this the one third posted? I know it was a club koo thing but maybe not this. Pretty representative for the era though. Tasteful warm and bumping.


Well-known member
luke did you know i magicked back benny b when you were away.

i made a thread corpsey said he "didn't see the point" then the thread went on to be a huge success, loads of posters joined in, got the joint 1st most liked post in dissensus history in it and benny b came back to life literally from the dead.

anyway, would benny be be any good at this stuff or is he strictly nuumatic?

silverdollar likes this stuff surely?


Well-known member
That'll teach you Corpsey! Doubting Thomas!

The way I remember it Benny likes his house as poppy as possible. Silverdollar should know this stuff though cos like Lee and Patty he is committed to the club life first and foremost.


pass the sick bucket
lot of this stuff is about honing into the pure groove, much more so than techno. whereas techno is perversely about the machinic sexuality of disco, even if most people into it and its producers think of it is post-human, it's actually the culmination of that D.A.F lineage. deep house could exist without D.A.F though



pass the sick bucket
i tend not to listen to this style of house too much. i appreciate and love it but it can really start to lose the jack after a while. but sometimes you get something like this with a strong bassline...
