version's Thomas Pynchon masterclass


Well-known member
it was way more easy to read and approachable than your usual thing. cos you were apeing that blandly urbane US journalism style 'he languidly reaches for a breakfast burrito' harper and queen vanity fair the new yorker.
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Well-known member
This was niche, I don't think anyone got it.
i was thinking of doing a laugh emoji to pretend i got it. then i worried it would be the wrong response and make it evident i didnt get it like in Gus' W.A.S.T.E example in the essay only i have read
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Binary & Tweed
The scylla of being ignored and the charybdis of being made fun of
The dissensus charybian peanut gallery will sink your dignity, but if you hold on long enough to the branch of Craner's consolations, eventually the forum will regurgitate your dignity and you will sail on, all the stronger.


insanely bad that film. like, you cant fucking beleive it when youre watching it. keep pinching yourself. is this real or a weird nitemare
All-time film. My cozy watch. I do it once or twice a year. So fun and sunny and smokey and casual and perfect. A masterpiece.

william kent

Well-known member
The best of the short stories in Slow Learner is the last one, 'The Secret Integration'. It's only really worth reading for that and Pynchon's introduction.
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Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I had a dream last night that Pynchon, of all people, had had his work surreptitiously promoted by the CIA during the Cold War as an anti-Soviet cultural weapon, much like they did in real life with abstract expressionist painters.

The next bit of the dream involved some sort of mash-up of Joseph Campbell and William S. Burroughs in the form of a book titled The Hero With A Thousand Asses, which I think is actually pretty funny.