Never going back to the office


Cat Malogen
Drove past the office today. All the lights on. Chain smokers outside gathered round a lamppost

Compare - a mate of a mate recently inherited a few million pounds. Bit of a fuck up but annoying enough to dissolve your empathy. Cunt has bought a house, land in the Scottish western isles for a campsite and this abortion of a vw camper to galavant round A-roads. Which is ironic for the kind of person who aspires to never executed road trips. Type of cunt who sings about his cat strumming an acoustic guitar for pub open mic nights, with a crumpled hat projecting personality

Anyway, his campsite idea failed, so there cunt

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
was 9 1/2 weeks the one with the ice cube scene?
I thought it was the one where they shag in front of a fridge and start doing kinky stuff with the food, but I could be wrong. I only know it from a scene that's obviously a parody of a well-known 'erotic' scene in one of the National Lampoon films. Maybe it's not even that film.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
As an aside, National Lampoontang would be a great name for a porn studio that specialises in those ludicrous parodies of mainstream films.


Cat Malogen
Weird times being a working parent. You’re a fool if you think you can reverse current disruption but after transferring positions to working from home, what a hoot. You’re a fool not trying to optimise time together and there are always time thresholds you have to be wise about irl (without being mr shouty at the football). Creating adventures, all the fun to be had

Fatigue and poor sleep got relentless last few years, compounded by a carousel of trauma where you’re forced to adapt care-plans to who you think actually has a chance. Constant, constant stress, questioning inherent biases which are instinctively paradoxical because addicts die every day. 2nd peak late 2020:early 2021 was a whole lot of death and the toughest round of existential confrontations

What continues the themes of weird times are the number of insane opportunities in Britain currently if you’re prepared to uproot and change specific realms, eg horticulture. Don’t bet the farm on it?


Well-known member
started a new job last week, on paper at least. The actual training etc begins tomorrow. First time doing an "office" job. The plan is to learn everything from home then go into a hybrid model splitting the week between home and the building. This isn't because of the pandemic, this was always their plan.

I'm really excited to work from home - not just being able to avoid people at work, but the reduced risks of not having to get a bus. I hadn't really clicked until this all happened how disgusting public transport can actually be, even thought I've never learned to drive I hadn't really clicked how many clatty, rotten bastards are out there in the world being bogging.

They're talking about how it is important to be able to build strong relationships with other colleagues and that's why we will still need to go in a few days every week, but I can see me pushing back on that where possible. Based on the job description and role, I can't see what really needs done in person that can't be done via email and telephone. They're strongly encouraging us to sign up for a scheme called fika, where you are randomly paired up with someone else in the org for a fifteen minute chat that's not about work at all. I can't imagine anything worse. "Do you like football?" "No. Do you like dance music?" "Not really." "Oh, cool." I absolutely do not need ice-breakers to be able to talk to other adults, and I do not go to work to make friends and expand my social circle because, whatever odds there are that these people might turn out to be likeable and mutually stimulating, I simply do not go to work to make friends. I go to work because capitalism determines I need to do it for food and loo roll.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
@boxedjoy The best thing about driving to work is that, although you're still surrounded by litter, grime and stink, you at least know it's your own litter, grime and stink.

The downside of this is the knowledge that you have nobody to blame but yourself.


They're strongly encouraging us to sign up for a scheme called fika, where you are randomly paired up with someone else in the org for a fifteen minute chat that's not about work at all. I can't imagine anything worse.

Sounds like cringe incarnate. I'd just say you're really busy but will think about it, and change the subject pronto.

Seeing as this thread got revived, I also remembered this monstrosity from 2020. Hope the wanker responsible is denied WFH forever:


Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Sounds like cringe incarnate. I'd just say you're really busy but will think about it, and change the subject pronto.

Seeing as this thread got revived, I also remembered this monstrosity from 2020. Hope the wanker responsible is denied WFH forever:

View attachment 11357
Oh god, I remember this abomination. "Proper bants."

Come on, Uncle Vova. Press that button and put us out of our misery. Please.


saw the light
California seems to have a lot more remote-friendly employers. After being self-employed for 12 years, when I was offered a job over here I asked to be fully remote and they only put up minimal resistance (getting them to agree to a three-day week was harder, but they also gave in on that too).


Tight but Polite
The one Covid dividend in schools is the remote parents evening - five minute online slots - teachers love them, no long meandering ‘chats’ cut to the chase, give them the news, move on. I do wonder if we’ll go back to F2F ones.
It's been interesting talking to friends who are uni lecturers (including one whose research speciality is actually in teaching methodology) - they seem to feel like the long term impact on HE teaching and assessment could actually be quite positive, basically because universities have been forced to operate for a couple of years without large-group broadcast-only in-person lectures and classic closed-book time-limited exams, which are probably both things that they mostly do out of habit and that they'd benefit from looking at alternatives to.

john eden

male pale and stale
Here comes the Telegraph backlash though. Interesting because it also fits with the existential crisis of post-industrial masculinity. A new front in the culture war…2ABF906A-09DA-4B67-B973-6E39323C1649.jpeg