
when Keef started pmq’s about Rishi’s tax/wife, Penny M’s odds rose like the bookies were all massively aroused

or put another way their odds flipped proportionality between 12:30pm and 13:30, where they remain with PM odds on

Penny Mordaunt13/207/98/118/118/118/11
Rishi Sunak319/537/27/27/2
Liz Truss15/441/104447/2
Kemi Badenoch172214262225
Good strategy selectively to undermine the better candidate


cat malogen
Big Sam, what a farce he became

among a few favourite England football moments was his tenure, Southgate in midfield against Germany when Keegan fell and all/any it’s coming home ironies


Well-known member
Odd that you all seem reluctant to speculate on who will be PM. I get that you hate them all, but you surely have an opinion.


cat malogen
Hopefully lead to gen-election but where absolutely fuck all is achieved. Hung parliament? Labour/Libs/SNP coalition? Read the name Clegg here recently and it was if his entire damnation rolled out like paper doilies. Grotesque man but we have more immediate concerns

Levels of embarrassment is a part of it. Yeah some of your yeehaws had a go at the carnival float Jan ‘21 in DC but it was a sideshow in your greater regional arc. Britain is extremely fucked rn. No-one front stage or back has the gumption to take our problems on, like some gone-off stinking pile of sugar-heavy cream cake, whereas hope hasn’t been completely ground out of all Americans yet. Give it time

Anyone capable of reforming the NHS? Unlikely, on and on we go in a never ending death spiral. 3-4-5 more generations and Norway will seem like paradise


cat malogen
And I don’t see the point in denigrating the place beyond the obvious flaws of institutional corruption, legacies (plural) of colonialism, banking lols that shame Switzerland into 2nd place (we take nazi gold in a heartbeat too)

When you think it can’t get worse, behold, like clockwork, it gets far worse than you think you had a handle on or could plan for. Rummy’s unknown unknowns. Into really weird places with care for the elderly and ethics like homes that are glorified cupboards, A&E times with unsafe discharges and another ethical morass in itself, drug deaths, furlough as inflation blah blah

You can spend weeks stuck in bureaucratic loops and not just passports ffs. People having passport issues and are only now cottoning on to the fact they live in a partially failed state should all be shot for starters, just an opinion. Hang on, fantasy has started, let me bask in it a sec, all the death


Well-known member
our institutions might be slightly less corrupted, but gaze in your rearview mirror, we're gaining at a good pace, aiming to pass on the right. it all accelerates pedal to the metal if trump gets reelected, since this time he won't let the party surround him with establishment grownups to "keep him in line".

john eden

male pale and stale
Probably Mordaunt.

Conservative Party members are still racist trash. Mordaunt has Navy connections and was on that swimming TV show wearing a swimming costume. Big win for the middle England Dads.


Well-known member
This is the madness of the election, its got nothing to do with popular vote. So John could in fact be right. Big I don't think so, cos she's not got enough profile and ppl will be saying this.

I did a prize winning essay about the Conservative party internal leader election process when I was 16 so I know what I'm talking about.

john eden

male pale and stale
I mean John Major and Theresa May didn’t exactly have the profile either, but let’s see! I have played my hand!

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Saw this the other day:

Leaving aside the merits of the argument that the words 'mother' and 'father' are harming anyone, or whether blind people really find the phrase 'double-blind trial' offensive or someone who can see perfectly well is just worried that they might do, this bit jumped out at me:

Prof Frank Furedi, an emeritus professor of sociology at the University of Kent, told the outlet: “I think that when you characterise terms like male/female, mother/father as harmful you are abandoning science for ideological advocacy.

“Regardless of intent, the project of re-engineering language will cause confusion to many and the last thing that scientists need is a lack of clarity about the meaning of the words they use.”

Now unless there are two Frank Furedi's, this is the ex-Revolutionary Communist turned anti-woke culture warrior, Spiked Online writer and general contrarian-for-hire Frank Furedi, who apparently is quite tight with Dissensus's favourite conspiracist-extraordinaire film-maker, Adam Curtis. It's just funny seeing his name cropping up in an article on LBC, where anyone who hadn't heard of him already would know nothing more than that he's a sociology professor, and would have no idea of his work for Spiked, think-tank connections, Koch Foundation funding, etc.
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