Jack Law's Lord of the Rings Thread.


Well-known member
Some people, Craner, Barty, Yyaldrin, are completely immune to it but I'm not I actually love it. Conan, game of gnomes, skyrim, wizard of earthsea, love it, all over it.


in je ogen waait de wind
i have always hated fantasy. as a child i was repulsed by the cover art of most fantasy books. those dirty slimy looking dragons and worms, ugly thin magicians. what's wrong with those publishers? is there only one illustrator in the entire fantasy industry who makes all the covers? they still make me sick actually, evokes the same feeling as worn out bob marley t shirt, the black faded to grey.


i happen to have started reading the wizard of earthsea last week and i absolutely love it. it feels like lying under a warm blanket.


Well-known member
Where was the local warhammer shop? I saw an article on a white supremacist website about warhammer. You ask why I was on a white supremacist website and it's a good question. I'd done a web search for something fairly innocent, not totally innocent, it might have been Wyndham Lewis or something and clicked on one of the top results and it turned out to be that site. It's such an odd place I had to click around a bit.

There was all sorts of stuff about anime too which is somewhat counterintuitive but only somewhat.

They' were saying warhammer shops are de facto white only spaces and therefore good.


Well-known member
They were also saying that very often liberal bedwetters make brilliant fascist art intending for it to be satire but it ends up being the only depiction of fascism represented in mainstream media and is received unironically

They mentioned Paul Verhoven so course, and also 2000ad and warhammer.


Well-known member
In starship troopers for instance you get cookie cutter male and female beauty according to what they would consider an objective standard. You get the martial virtues. You get the bugs to be crushed. So on and so forth. Discipline order loyalty courage.


bandz ahoy
I'm not sure cos I've not read a 2000AD in about 15 years at least but I don't think I'd enjoy reading them anymore. Or perhaps I'd enjoy them on a different level? Maybe they're full of satire and irony that went totally over my pubescent hormone addled mind. At the time I liked the ultraviolence.


Well-known member
They're very well drawn as a rule. The stories are not great but the city and the characters are fantastic


bandz ahoy
That was the aesthetic long before I was reading it regularly tbf

But I also remember that aesthetic so I must have read some of those older ones - Rogue Trooper, etc.


Well-known member
That reminds me of Eddie the Iron Maiden mascot and the posters kids used to have on their walls.


bandz ahoy
There were Garbage Pail kids stickers up in my primary school for some reason. They seemed to crackle with verboten energy.


Well-known member
Definitely. And they were always just something other kids had and were initiated in. Just like they would talk about watching child's play or commando. Things I could only imagine and never experience.


bandz ahoy
I was watching a doc last night about Pepe the frog and they showed the lifestyle of the guy who invented Pepe. He's a comic book artist, seems like he's successful but not rolling in it. And I felt such respect for him and his buddies for never getting a 9-5 job, just spending their lives drawing comics like perpetual teenagers (with kids).

Need to be brave to do that and not give a fuck about what people expect you to do.


bandz ahoy
And that's something I respect about 2000ad and Warhammer and all that to this day is that they are these small subcultures that are usually considered uncool and uncultured and they don't give a fuck