
Well-known member
i think i said it before maybe on this thread i find it interesting to hear from the generation above mine, 70s childhoods, 80s teens. always seems a more horrible nasty world, but also more interesting. more conflict.


cat malogen
18-32 your head is ripe for sounds. Complete worship, let’s be honest. Weird experiments in living were definitely easier and cheaper. By the early 00’s the internet was already an embedded (if still relatively new) god. People bought to let. It was still fun and internationally travel to and from the States, to Canada, Ireland and home could be funded by foolishness. Couldn’t do it now, pre 9/11 overstaying wasn’t as detrimental

Missing tracks that deserve an amendment from guessing minus the angel’s share

Don Cherry - Degi Degi (or Brown Rice)

Moondog Monologue



ELpH vs Coil - Worship The Glitch

My brother has the 2 disc 10” release listed above. Beautiful artefact. Sleeve reminiscent of Colours by Cabaret Voltaire. The content is entirely different. Wasn’t aware of the supposed production errors, communicated as channelling a transmission signal intercept (or nature of said inception) initially. 'This is a Sidereal™ Sound Recording untouched by human hands'. Coincided with dark turn into heroin and a lot of ELpH’s music was immersed in *heavy nods, *just say no

A clear distinction or demarcation in sounds exists between LSD, ELpH and Black Light District, a 90degree turn into very different forms of compositional experimentation. It’s more fun too (rather than playful) as your ears aren’t lost in endless indecipherable fold-in curses. Expansive as opposed to highly compressed, still in the fairgrounds of the abyss. From the moment the needle drops, it’s on, cue Dark Start

Opium Hum, appropriately titled

Manunkind’s lilting choir-horns

Hysteron Proteron Jewel, dialling up fleeting lights at dusk with what may or may not be a glitch locomotive

Anything That Flies, vortexes presencing on the brink of psychosis, seep into its uncomfortable delirium

Ended. Indeed, pinned pupils looking into bleak horizons via a weathered mirror during 4am’s half-light

Re-evaluating treasured lp’s is graft

Looking up this album on Wikipedia I noticed there is a tune with three parts called The Halliwell Hammers which I suppose is a reference to Kenneth Halliwell beating Joe Orton to death with a hammer.


Well-known member



cat malogen
“Noel Gallagher with a mullet” has ostracised a mate just for the fun of Thursday afternoon wind-ups

A thread for peak pandemic death, diaries at the coalface (which could be distilled to 100 posts) but the nights were long, no-one else was recruited and it seemed like a good idea

Not an easy rite and there more distilled equivalents. It hits you round the 80 mark. “79 more tracks with 500 words minimum on each to go? Wtf am I doing?”, so including hated pieces seemed vital

Could probably do an alt-ton but numerous people - Wild Greens, Danny, Bill K and Martin - have all smashed it since, the latter hopefully in gestation with a new addition when time allows. Woops did a uniquely flavoured ton, one or two track eg Fuxa almost have their own way of finding you rather than the other way round and every ton has masses of insights you end up cross-referencing eg Third, Version and Craner. If anyone is missed, no offence, just a broad overview ..